Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Discussion starter:
"The Lord spoke to Abraham ten years before he was reckoned righteous; he even appeared to him when he first entered the land. Does the Lord reveal Himself to the unsaved today?"
Monday, February 26, 2007
Gospel quartet to perform in Gerber
The Melody Boys will perform a free concert at Gerber Bibe Fellowship at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 27.
The gospel quartet is known for their classic vocal stylings since the group first formed in 1949. While the individual performers have changed over the years, the quartet continues to adhere to its reputation for high quality Southern Gospel Music.
Gerber Bible fellowship is located on the corner of Samson and Ventura in Gerber.
More information is available from Bob Myers at 824-0820.
The gospel quartet is known for their classic vocal stylings since the group first formed in 1949. While the individual performers have changed over the years, the quartet continues to adhere to its reputation for high quality Southern Gospel Music.
Gerber Bible fellowship is located on the corner of Samson and Ventura in Gerber.
More information is available from Bob Myers at 824-0820.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Discussion starter:
"What did Abraham think the Lord meant in saying that all the families of the earth shall be blessed in him?"
Friday, February 23, 2007
Contemporary worship service planned
The Nite Lite Contemporary Worship band will play at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 25, at the First Baptist Church, 501 Pine St.
Child care will be available. Refreshments will follow.
Child care will be available. Refreshments will follow.
Ecumenical Taize prayer to be held
Ecumenical Taize Prayer will be held on four Sundays in Lent. The first service will be at 5 p.m. on Feb. 25, and the second will be at 3 p.m. on March 11, at Sacred Heart Church. The third and fourth will be at 3 p.m. on March 25 and April 1, at the Presbyterian Church chapel.
Taize prayer involves the sung repetition of simple Christian phrases. The experience of singing these phrases nourishes us on a deep non-verbal level. The service consists of quiet chanting, a scripture reading and silence. It allows participants to come to the cross for a moment to pray, to bring their burdens and the burdens of the world as they touch the cross committing all that is in their hearts to Jesus the Christ.
Everyone is invited to attend this hour of prayerful singing and meditative prayer.
Taize prayer involves the sung repetition of simple Christian phrases. The experience of singing these phrases nourishes us on a deep non-verbal level. The service consists of quiet chanting, a scripture reading and silence. It allows participants to come to the cross for a moment to pray, to bring their burdens and the burdens of the world as they touch the cross committing all that is in their hearts to Jesus the Christ.
Everyone is invited to attend this hour of prayerful singing and meditative prayer.
Signs of Life

If you come across one that you would like to add to the list, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
S.O.S. (School of the Spirit) to be held
Please join Pastors Kim and Mary Andersson from Christ the Rock Ministries of Northern California for an 8 week course covering the move of the Holy Spirit and prophetic ministry.
February 25th - April 15th, Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Red Bluff community Center
1500 South Jackson Street, (Take Luther past Wal-Mart, turn left onto S. Jackson)
Pastor Kim and Mary Andersson
Christ the Rock Ministries of North. Calif.
MorningStar affiliates, Kim and Mary Andersson travel both here and internationally, taking prophetic teams with them for the purpose of building up and encouraging the body of Christ. They minister with candid humor and insight, a deeper passion for intimacy withe Jesus. Kim and Mary are the authors of "For freedom's Sake", and also Mary's book "Scrupulous conformity".
For more information please call 365-5048
February 25th - April 15th, Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Red Bluff community Center
1500 South Jackson Street, (Take Luther past Wal-Mart, turn left onto S. Jackson)
Pastor Kim and Mary Andersson
Christ the Rock Ministries of North. Calif.
MorningStar affiliates, Kim and Mary Andersson travel both here and internationally, taking prophetic teams with them for the purpose of building up and encouraging the body of Christ. They minister with candid humor and insight, a deeper passion for intimacy withe Jesus. Kim and Mary are the authors of "For freedom's Sake", and also Mary's book "Scrupulous conformity".
For more information please call 365-5048
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Discussion starter:
"The gospel was preached to Abraham according to Galatians 3:8. The gospel was preached to Abraham, preached by John the Baptist, preached by Jesus Christ, preached by Philip in Samaria, preached by Paul, and is preached by evangelical Christianity. Is it one gospel?"
God Talk connections

Here are the links to the first three 'God Talk' columns that have appeared in the Daily News.
I will try to post future links in a more timely matter.
God Talk: Words of advice for region: 'This is reality, Greg'
By Rev. James Wilson
God Talk: Many ask the question: 'Does my life really matter?'
By Russell Wiesner
God Talk: People are pulling together to help others
By David Lamberson - pastor of North Valley Baptist Church
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Overcoming anger workshop slated
Sean and Karla Dillon, coordinators of Family Foundations, International of Littleton, Colo. will lead a team of facilitators as they present Overcoming Anger, a video teaching and ministry seminar on Feb. 24 at Community Baptist Church, 598 Roundup Ave. The Ancient Paths Overcoming Anger seminar presents reasons and solutions for anger and other compulsive habits in people's lives.
The seminar includes video teaching, by Pastor Craig Hill, and small group sessions where participants may request prayer.
Local pastors, their congregations and the community are invited to participate in this seminar. Seminars are nondenominational. Space is limited and preregistration is required.
The cost is $45 per person and $85 per married couple. Senior pastors and their spouses are free of charge.
Information and registration are available from Sean and Karla Dillon at 529-1836 or Community Baptist Church at 527-4203.
Previous article
The seminar includes video teaching, by Pastor Craig Hill, and small group sessions where participants may request prayer.
Local pastors, their congregations and the community are invited to participate in this seminar. Seminars are nondenominational. Space is limited and preregistration is required.
The cost is $45 per person and $85 per married couple. Senior pastors and their spouses are free of charge.
Information and registration are available from Sean and Karla Dillon at 529-1836 or Community Baptist Church at 527-4203.
Previous article
St. Peter's Lent service Wednesday
St. Peter's Episcopal Church will observe Ash Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21, the first day of Lent, at 510 Jefferson St.
Red Bluff.
At the Imposition of Ashes they acknowledge mortality and need for penitence. They will share in the Holy Communion, receiving the bread and wine. All are welcome.
Red Bluff.
At the Imposition of Ashes they acknowledge mortality and need for penitence. They will share in the Holy Communion, receiving the bread and wine. All are welcome.
Shrove Tuesday set to be observed
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will hold a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at First and Marin streets, in the parish hall.
Shrove Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday, is the last day of Marti Gras, the pre-Lenten festival.
Lent is the period of fasting and penitence observed by Episcopal and other churches, preceding Easter. The Wednesday following Shove Tuesday is Ash Wednesday.
Pancakes, fruit juice and coffee will be served.
The public is invited.
Information is available from Terri Jamison, recently elected senior warden, at 385-1115.
The Ash Wednesday service will begin at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Shrove Tuesday, also known as Fat Tuesday, is the last day of Marti Gras, the pre-Lenten festival.
Lent is the period of fasting and penitence observed by Episcopal and other churches, preceding Easter. The Wednesday following Shove Tuesday is Ash Wednesday.
Pancakes, fruit juice and coffee will be served.
The public is invited.
Information is available from Terri Jamison, recently elected senior warden, at 385-1115.
The Ash Wednesday service will begin at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21.
Season of Lent to begin Wednesday
The Cone United Methodist Community Church will observe Ash Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 21, the first day of the Season of Lent.
The name comes from the ancient practice of imposing ashes on worshippers' foreheads as a sign of humility before God.
This service will be joined with the Los Molinos United Methodist Church.
At 6 p.m. every Wednesday after Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday when we conclude the Vigil.
The church sanctuary will be open to those who wish to come and spend some time in prayer and meditation.
There will be music and some readings from the scripture. The sanctuary will be open for an hour.
Palm Sunday will be remembered at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 1.
Worshippers will experience the procession with Palm branches while shouting our loudest Hosannas!
Holy Thursday will be observed at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, with a communion worship service. The sharing of the Eucharist or the sacrament of thanksgiving on Maundy Thursday is the way some Christians observe this day.
Easter Sunday will be celebrated at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 8. The Lenten vigil concludes with Easter Worship Service with a Paschal Candle Lighting Ceremony.
The name comes from the ancient practice of imposing ashes on worshippers' foreheads as a sign of humility before God.
This service will be joined with the Los Molinos United Methodist Church.
At 6 p.m. every Wednesday after Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday when we conclude the Vigil.
The church sanctuary will be open to those who wish to come and spend some time in prayer and meditation.
There will be music and some readings from the scripture. The sanctuary will be open for an hour.
Palm Sunday will be remembered at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 1.
Worshippers will experience the procession with Palm branches while shouting our loudest Hosannas!
Holy Thursday will be observed at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, with a communion worship service. The sharing of the Eucharist or the sacrament of thanksgiving on Maundy Thursday is the way some Christians observe this day.
Easter Sunday will be celebrated at 9 a.m. on Sunday, April 8. The Lenten vigil concludes with Easter Worship Service with a Paschal Candle Lighting Ceremony.
New tool available to help proclaim the Scriptures
New Hope Foursquare Church is participating in You've got the Time, a 40 day plan for listening to the New Testament.
A demonstration of a ministry tool the Proclaimer will be presented at 10 a.m. this Sunday at 925 Walnut St. Info 528-0642.
An organization, called Faith Comes by Hearing has made it their mission to get the audio Bible translated into as many languages as there are people without Bibles.Their goal is to bring the Bible to life in the 20th Century.
They translate the whole New Testament into an audio version, into la
nguages that have no access to Scriptures (because nothing has been translated into that language). It is similar to what Wycliffe Bible translators do, but this is an audio version.
Some statistics about the Proclaimer:
The Scriptures are programmed on a microchip already installed and will not erase or wear out from frequent playing.
The battery will play 15 hours and can be recharged enough times to play the entire New Testament over 600 times.
The Proclaimer has a built in generator and solar charger to charge the battery.
The solar charger, in addition to charging the battery, will run the Proclaimer even without battery power as long as there is sunlight. In other words, as long as there is a sun in the sky the Proclaimer will play the Son's Words.
The sound is digital quality and loud enough to be heard clearly by groups of 300.
There are approximately 6,600 unreached people groups. No one knows for sure how many people that is, but this organization figures it at 1.7 billion people.
An unreached people group can be defined as:
"a group of people among which there is no viable indigenous church movement with sufficient strength, resources, and commitment to sustain and ensure the continuous multiplication of churches." Most of these groups have no Bible in their own language.
The average American can drive 10 minutes to the local Christian bookstore and choose from hundreds of different Bibles: in a multitude of translations, colors, with various maps, devotionals, and other helpful resources.
Faith comes by Hearing (www.fcbh.org) allows churches the opportunity to sponsor a whole audio NT in a particular language, or they can sponsor one book of the Bible (which is roughly $950. That includes the translation, technology, and getting it to the people).
Information is available at 527-0642.
A demonstration of a ministry tool the Proclaimer will be presented at 10 a.m. this Sunday at 925 Walnut St. Info 528-0642.
An organization, called Faith Comes by Hearing has made it their mission to get the audio Bible translated into as many languages as there are people without Bibles.Their goal is to bring the Bible to life in the 20th Century.
They translate the whole New Testament into an audio version, into la
nguages that have no access to Scriptures (because nothing has been translated into that language). It is similar to what Wycliffe Bible translators do, but this is an audio version.
Some statistics about the Proclaimer:
The Scriptures are programmed on a microchip already installed and will not erase or wear out from frequent playing.
The battery will play 15 hours and can be recharged enough times to play the entire New Testament over 600 times.
The Proclaimer has a built in generator and solar charger to charge the battery.
The solar charger, in addition to charging the battery, will run the Proclaimer even without battery power as long as there is sunlight. In other words, as long as there is a sun in the sky the Proclaimer will play the Son's Words.
The sound is digital quality and loud enough to be heard clearly by groups of 300.
There are approximately 6,600 unreached people groups. No one knows for sure how many people that is, but this organization figures it at 1.7 billion people.
An unreached people group can be defined as:
"a group of people among which there is no viable indigenous church movement with sufficient strength, resources, and commitment to sustain and ensure the continuous multiplication of churches." Most of these groups have no Bible in their own language.
The average American can drive 10 minutes to the local Christian bookstore and choose from hundreds of different Bibles: in a multitude of translations, colors, with various maps, devotionals, and other helpful resources.
Faith comes by Hearing (www.fcbh.org) allows churches the opportunity to sponsor a whole audio NT in a particular language, or they can sponsor one book of the Bible (which is roughly $950. That includes the translation, technology, and getting it to the people).
Information is available at 527-0642.
New Baptist Church in Red Bluff
The Rev. Robert M. Wheatley, former associate pastor of First Southern Baptist Church of Red Bluff, is inviting the community to be a part of a new Baptist Church.
They will be meeting on Sundays at 542 Union St., inside the Russell and Co. Building at the corner of Madison and Union streets, Red Bluff.
The church will be a kingdom-focused Bible driven church. The focus will be on glorifying the Lord God, making disciples, maturing believers and multiplying ministries.
Bible study will start at 9:30 a.m., followed by worship at 11 a.m. Wheatley is available at 209-0695.
They will be meeting on Sundays at 542 Union St., inside the Russell and Co. Building at the corner of Madison and Union streets, Red Bluff.
The church will be a kingdom-focused Bible driven church. The focus will be on glorifying the Lord God, making disciples, maturing believers and multiplying ministries.
Bible study will start at 9:30 a.m., followed by worship at 11 a.m. Wheatley is available at 209-0695.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Discussion starter:
"Abraham had faith ten years before he was reckoned righteous; do the 'unsaved' have faith?"
Signs of Life

If you come across one that you would like to add to the list, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Discussion starter:
"Abraham obeyed the voice of God to leave Haran; Hebrews 11:8 states that Abraham obeyed y faith. Abraham had faith ten years before he was reckoned righteous, hew was reckoned righteous in Genesis 15, and then James states that his faith was perfected in the offering of Isaac. Romans 4:20 states that his faith grew. What is the "size" of Faith that results imputed righteousness?"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Bethel Youth Yard Sale
Bethel Youth will be having a yard sale, Saturday, Feb. 17th, from 8:00 a.m. to noon.
All proceeds from the yard sale will go towards the youth snow camp.
For more information, call Kendall Eickmeyer, 527-0445, or e-mail bethelrb@yahoo.com
All proceeds from the yard sale will go towards the youth snow camp.
For more information, call Kendall Eickmeyer, 527-0445, or e-mail bethelrb@yahoo.com
Friday, February 09, 2007
Red Bluff mission team helping needy in Haiti
Eleven Red Bluff volunteers to Haiti with Lifeline Christian Mission. The team will take medical personnel, medicines, and other needed help to Haiti. They will return Feb. 18.
One out of eight children die before the age of 5 as a result of diseases on the Island such as malaria, HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis and infections resulting from injury.
The team consists of one physician, five nurses, a general contractor, and five handy persons. They are: Bob McFarlen, Bill Greer, Vickie Greer, Mark and Margaret Franklin, Ruth Ann Rowen, Alex Bennet, Dr. Pat Quintal, Dyrk and Laurel Posey and Michelle Siemens. The team will meet 15 other lifeline members that are coming from North Carolina.
Those administering health care will spend the majority of the weekdays in a medical clinic.
The non-medical people will spend the majority of the week building a home and doing general labor tasks. Each team member will distribute baby layettes in the community, food to the nutrition program, and also distribute clothing and shoes.
Dyrk Posey said, “We packed the donated medical supplies at the Community Baptist Church. Each person carried a suitcase with medical supplies, toys and food that the community has donated for our trip. We could use some help sending the extra medical supplies. Each member of the team already raised the money for their own expenses. The more supplies we have, the more people we can treat. It costs $80 per 50-pound suitcase of extra medicine we bring on the plane. We look forward to providing much needed medical help to a people that do not have much hope.”
Information is available at the Community Baptist Church at 527-4203.
One out of eight children die before the age of 5 as a result of diseases on the Island such as malaria, HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis and infections resulting from injury.
The team consists of one physician, five nurses, a general contractor, and five handy persons. They are: Bob McFarlen, Bill Greer, Vickie Greer, Mark and Margaret Franklin, Ruth Ann Rowen, Alex Bennet, Dr. Pat Quintal, Dyrk and Laurel Posey and Michelle Siemens. The team will meet 15 other lifeline members that are coming from North Carolina.
Those administering health care will spend the majority of the weekdays in a medical clinic.
The non-medical people will spend the majority of the week building a home and doing general labor tasks. Each team member will distribute baby layettes in the community, food to the nutrition program, and also distribute clothing and shoes.
Dyrk Posey said, “We packed the donated medical supplies at the Community Baptist Church. Each person carried a suitcase with medical supplies, toys and food that the community has donated for our trip. We could use some help sending the extra medical supplies. Each member of the team already raised the money for their own expenses. The more supplies we have, the more people we can treat. It costs $80 per 50-pound suitcase of extra medicine we bring on the plane. We look forward to providing much needed medical help to a people that do not have much hope.”
Information is available at the Community Baptist Church at 527-4203.
New youth minister at North Valley

Caleb Little is the new youth minister at North Valley Baptist Church of Red Bluff, according to pastor David Lamberson.
He will lead the young programs, outings and activities. “We have been searching for someone with a background like his,” Lamberson said, “and with his energy and enthusiasm.
Little will graduate in April from Simpson University with a major in youth ministry and a double minor in pastoral skills and Bible/theology. He graduated from Newberg High School in Newberg, Ore., in 2003. There he participated in football, track, band, 4-H and youth group.
He has an agricultural background that includes livestock and farm equipment.
He is the middle child of five. He was on the youth group leadership team in high school and volunteered last year with Risen King in Redding. He was an intern this last summer with Newberg Christian Church.
Information is available at 527-0543.
Pictured is Caleb Little
Johnson to speak at Abundant Life

Missionary Doris Johnson will be at Abundant Life Fellowship at 11 a.m. this Sunday at 21080 Luther Road.
She is the president of the Bernhard Johnson Ministries in the United States. She and her late husband, Bernhard, continued the ministry that began over 66 years ago in Brazil by Bernhard’s father.
Johnson travels both in the United States and Brazil ministering at mission conventions and women’s conferences.
She also assists in coordinating medical clinics with teams from HealthCare Ministries, which provide medical, dental and spiritual care to the needy in Brazil.
Pictured is Doris Johnson
Family band set to perform in Corning

The Townley Family Band will perform at 1:15 p.m. Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church, 471 Marguerite Ave.
A potluck lunch will be held at 12:30 p.m., just prior to the performance.
The community is invited to attend both the potluck and the performance.
Don and Lisa Townley and five of their six sons, ages 7 to 15, have combined to create the Townley Family Band. They love gospel, bluegrass and other music and sharing their testimonies.
They will sing and perform on a variety of instruments including keyboard, guitar, drums, pennywhistle and mandolin.
Information is available at 824-5535 or Judy Turner at 824-3174.
Pictured:The Townley Family Band
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Connect the Thots #16
Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues. For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1.shepherd, harpist, king
2. 3.an Ethiopian eunuch, Lydia of Thyatira, Jesus
4. promised, flowing with milk and honey, of Goshen
5. Sarai, Rachel the wife of Manoah
6. the dream of Pharaoh's baker, leftovers at thefeeding of the five thousand, the apostle paul's escape from Damascus
7. Samson, Jonathan, John the Baptist
8. Elisha, the eagle, forbidden for priests
9. David spares King Saul's life, Obadiah hides one hundred prophets of god, Lazarus is raised to life
10. Elijah fleeing from Jezebel, Jonah after Nineveh's repentance, Moses when the Israelites complained about manna
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. Babel 2. people who wept 3. people from whom demons were cast 4. thirty
5. prophets 6. centurions 7. people famed for their hair 8. miracles of Elisha 9. births foretold 10. people who died by suicide
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1.shepherd, harpist, king
2. 3.an Ethiopian eunuch, Lydia of Thyatira, Jesus
4. promised, flowing with milk and honey, of Goshen
5. Sarai, Rachel the wife of Manoah
6. the dream of Pharaoh's baker, leftovers at thefeeding of the five thousand, the apostle paul's escape from Damascus
7. Samson, Jonathan, John the Baptist
8. Elisha, the eagle, forbidden for priests
9. David spares King Saul's life, Obadiah hides one hundred prophets of god, Lazarus is raised to life
10. Elijah fleeing from Jezebel, Jonah after Nineveh's repentance, Moses when the Israelites complained about manna
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. Babel 2. people who wept 3. people from whom demons were cast 4. thirty
5. prophets 6. centurions 7. people famed for their hair 8. miracles of Elisha 9. births foretold 10. people who died by suicide
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Discussion starter:
Hebrews 11:10 says Abraham was looking for a city. What is the basis of this statement?
Power Principle
By David-A Baker
"Strong character suffers without complaining; weak characters complain without suffering"
"Strong character suffers without complaining; weak characters complain without suffering"
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Discussion starter:
"Why did God call Abraham from his father's house? Would God do this if Terah was a godly man?"
Friday, February 02, 2007
Nutrition class offered
A lifestyle medicine health and nutrition class will be presented in four sessions in February at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.
The class instructor is Linda McConnell.
Topics to be covered include: how to avoid dangerous fats, sugars and oils while cooking creative
new dishes, how prepare meals without the use of animal products, weight control, how to strengthen the immune system, how to reverse and prevent heart related diseases, diabetes and other lifestyle problems, natural remedies for improved health.
The tuition includes: cooking demonstrations, 190 page recipe and nutrition syllabus, lectures on natural therapies, sample meals, and childrens class. Tuition is $60 each or $95 for married couples.
Preregistration is required. The cost at the door is $75 each. A cooking and activity class will be provided for children up to age 10 for $10 per session.
The classes will be at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 720 So. Jackson St. Information and reservations are available at 527-5077 or 526-5077.
The class instructor is Linda McConnell.
Topics to be covered include: how to avoid dangerous fats, sugars and oils while cooking creative
new dishes, how prepare meals without the use of animal products, weight control, how to strengthen the immune system, how to reverse and prevent heart related diseases, diabetes and other lifestyle problems, natural remedies for improved health.
The tuition includes: cooking demonstrations, 190 page recipe and nutrition syllabus, lectures on natural therapies, sample meals, and childrens class. Tuition is $60 each or $95 for married couples.
Preregistration is required. The cost at the door is $75 each. A cooking and activity class will be provided for children up to age 10 for $10 per session.
The classes will be at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27, at 720 So. Jackson St. Information and reservations are available at 527-5077 or 526-5077.
El Camino United Methodists plan fellowship
The El Camino United Methodist Church is having a soup and song fellowship time at 6 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 9, at 8345 Highway 99W.
Participants are invited to get on stage and sing, play, dance, read and more. The public is invited.
Participants are invited to get on stage and sing, play, dance, read and more. The public is invited.
Red Bluff pastor leads United Methodists mission team to the Philippines

On Monday, Rev. Paul Cabotaje of Red Bluff First United Methodist Church will lead a team of United Methodists from all over California to the Philippines to bring medical and dental care to the poorest of the poor.
Six years ago Cabotaje and his wife Virgie founded the medical/dental Philippine Mission. Easing one person’s suffering through missionary work created two dedicated and tireless missionaries. For the seventh year in a row, Rev. Paul and Virgie are planning the mission which will allow missionaries of all ages and races to be in service to God. Easing one person’s suffering has changed the lives of over 10,000 patients in six years.
It gave life to 10-year-old Juzmeen Pascual, who had open-heart surgery thanks to the 2005 mission.
It saved four-month old Baby Alvin from mental retardation by enabling doctors at Solano to install a shunt to relieve the pressure on his hydrocephalic brain.
It gave three children life-changing surgeries to correct facial deformities.
Working in the slums of Manila where people live in hand-made shanties built over open sewers, where they sleep on mats on the ground and cook over charcoal, where running water, electricity, and toilets are non-existent in their homes, is more than a culture shock to first-time missionaries. They suddenly find themselves immersed in true poverty, because such living conditions in combination with the over-whelming needs of the people trapped in those conditions fills missionaries with a sense of helplessness. They begin to wonder why they are there and what differences they can possible make.
Rev. “Joy” Cera, retired pastor of the Good Samaritan United Methodist Church near Manila, answered their wonderings when he told a group of missionaries, “If you ease one person’s suffering, if you make one person’s life better, if you bring one soul to Jesus, then your mission is a success.”
In 2006, the medical/dental mission served 5,000 patients of the poorest of the poor in the Philippines. Their hope for this year is to serve at least 3,000. They are going to an ethnic village, the Aeta community, that has been displaced by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.
“These poor people have become mendicants and go to the different towns with their malnourished babies and must resort to begging to get by. These people’s hopes are being rekindled by seeing missionaries coming from the U.S., bringing food, medical doctors, nurses and medicines to them,” wrote Reverend Cabotaje.
The team which will include California-Nevada Annual Conference Bishop Beverley Shamana will return March 5.
For more information, contact Rev. Paul Cabotaje at Red Bluff First United Methodist Church 527-5754 or at home 529-3337.
Querin to speak at Harvest Christian Center

Rev. Sandi Querin, will be the speaker at 6 p.m. on Sunday at Harvest Christian Center. The public is invited free of charge.
Querin felt called to preach at the age of 9. For the next 30 years, she was hindered by Cystic Fibrosis and complications from the disease. In spite of her health she pursued her education while working full time and preaching part-time. She holds a doctorate in law, a master’s in business, and is an ordained minister.
She resigned her positions in the corporate world and as a college professor in 1996. The Lord healed her and she is now traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad preaching the Gospel.
The cry of her heart is for “the church to rise up under the authority of Jesus Christ and believe His promises!”
The focus of her predominately prophetic ministry has been to awaken the church by the power by which they have been saved and for the lost to be found in the victory of Christ. After suffering a lifetime of pain and illness, she comes with a message of healing and hope.
Querin is the author of “The Prayer of Job” and “The Prayer of Moses.” She has worked with Teen Challenge, YWAM, Teen Mania Ministries, the Assemblies of God, Church of God, Baptist, Mennonite, Catholic and Foursquare Churches, along with other denominations and non-denominational churches.
She has been married for 27 years to Martin, a civil engineer, who she served with as co-pastor of their local church youth department for 20 years. They have two grown children, both married and serving the Lord.
Ministry information is available at Abba’s Heart Ministries at 1-866-851-3466 or at: www.abbasheart.com.
Information for the Sunday meeting is available from Rob Kee at 824-2091.
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