Friday, February 09, 2007

Red Bluff mission team helping needy in Haiti

Eleven Red Bluff volunteers to Haiti with Lifeline Christian Mission. The team will take medical personnel, medicines, and other needed help to Haiti. They will return Feb. 18.

One out of eight children die before the age of 5 as a result of diseases on the Island such as malaria, HIV AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis and infections resulting from injury.

The team consists of one physician, five nurses, a general contractor, and five handy persons. They are: Bob McFarlen, Bill Greer, Vickie Greer, Mark and Margaret Franklin, Ruth Ann Rowen, Alex Bennet, Dr. Pat Quintal, Dyrk and Laurel Posey and Michelle Siemens. The team will meet 15 other lifeline members that are coming from North Carolina.

Those administering health care will spend the majority of the weekdays in a medical clinic.

The non-medical people will spend the majority of the week building a home and doing general labor tasks. Each team member will distribute baby layettes in the community, food to the nutrition program, and also distribute clothing and shoes.

Dyrk Posey said, “We packed the donated medical supplies at the Community Baptist Church. Each person carried a suitcase with medical supplies, toys and food that the community has donated for our trip. We could use some help sending the extra medical supplies. Each member of the team already raised the money for their own expenses. The more supplies we have, the more people we can treat. It costs $80 per 50-pound suitcase of extra medicine we bring on the plane. We look forward to providing much needed medical help to a people that do not have much hope.”

Information is available at the Community Baptist Church at 527-4203.

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