Monday, January 22, 2007

Overcoming Anger Seminar

February 24
8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Community Baptist Church
598 Roundup Avenue, Red Bluff

Registration Due February 15
Cost: $35 per person/$65 per married couple
Contact: Karla Dillon, Family Foundations Coordinator, 529-1836

An intensive time of teaching from God's word, followed by sharing, prayer and ministry in small groups. as teaching topics are brought up, the small groups, led by trained facilitators, give opportunity for ministry in that specific area of the individual's life. Seminar is open to the community. Pastors and their spouses may attend free of charge.

Who should come?
If you find yourself often saying or doing things for which you later must apologize -- THEN COME!
If you find yourself struggling to control your temper -- THEN COME!
If you struggle with depression, self-hatred, resentment, guilt or bitterness -- THEN COME!
If you feel like a failure as a parent or marriage partner as a result of wounding your family through angry words or behavior -- THEN COME!
If you feel like you have been the victim of a loved-one's anger -- THEN COME!

NOTE: Because teaching and small group dynamics are sequential, and each session builds upon the last one, it is imperative that participants plan on attending all seminar sessions. Child care is not available.

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