Bethel Assembly of God in Red Bluff takes seriously the great commission to: "Go into all the world, Mark 16:15". All are called to the mission field. Some perform it through our daily lives right where we live, and some go to other countries.
September 6th through September 15th, fourteen people from Bethel set off for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The team consisted of Pastor Ron Fortenberry, Patt Brittain, Raymond Childers, Pam Diehl, Cynthia Hoofard, Jeff & Judy Mandolfo, Tom Mehringer, Wes and Shannon Niles, Kevin Quigley, Susie Sanders, Mike Stenberg
The General Council of the Honduran Assemblies of God planted over 100 (“Honduras100”) churches in the last few years throughout the countryside of Honduras. Most of these new church plants currently have no facilities in which to worship. These new congregations are having services outside under trees, many times without protection from bad weather, or inside small dwellings without sufficient space. “Honduras100” is an ambitious project to build 100 steel tabernacles over the next 4 years. This project is designed to change these circumstances by providing a simple, relatively inexpensive, easily built structural steel frame that would allow a congregation almost instant access out of the weather.
A tabernacle is a standard size steel structure, 36' wide and 48' long. Concrete footings, structural steel columns, structural steel roof frame, and 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal roofing is provided and constructed by a visiting team, or a team of local church members. They ask for $10,000 from each team who comes to help. That will buy the structure, sheet metal roof, install the foundation and buy enough cement, sand, and concrete blocks to wall in the structure. The rest will be left up to the congregation to do, but at least they will have a roof for protection from heat and rain, and will have some security with the walls. Not only did Bethel send the $10,000 for the project but also each team member paid for all of their own expenses, which included the flight, transportation, hotel and meals.
Bethel Assembly completed tabernacle number twenty-two in Sabana Grande, about a 40-minute drive south of Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras. Our project in Sabana Grande, was a much needed project. The church has already had to move out of one house, and was renting another small house that was still too small. The congregation had to meet in small groups in various homes and came together once a month in a school. When that happened they had over 100 people in attendance. This new church building allowed them to worship together in one location.
I praise God for giving Red Bluff Bethel a heart for Missions. We have already begun to pray for our mission trip for 2008.
Bethel is a Great Church that Does wonderful things in our Community. I did not go to church for 7 years until I found Bethel although i did not find Bethel on my own my Girlfriend invited me to it and now I have been going there for about a year and a half. If you have not found a church yet and you live in Red Bluff you should give Bethel a Try Pastor Ron and Larry are great People and At our church we are just like a Great Big Family...
wow, i love to read about other men and women of God bieng obedient to the call of God. i am a pastor at Star City First A/G in AR. we have also been to Honduras and helped Bro. Larry and Sis. Sherry with 2 churches. we went in 06,07, and we are leaving Jan.26 08 for church #3. we are always excited to go and do the Lords work. thank you for your vision. May God Bless your church. i would love to hear from you my email is sspruitt@yahoo.com
Pastor Shannon
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