- Monday, Nov. 5: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Nov. 7: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 8: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Monday, Nov. 12: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Nov. 14: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 a.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 15: 9-11:30 a.m.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Christmas food/ toys sign-up dates
RED BLUFF - The Salvation Army, Red Bluff Corps, 940 Walnut Street, announces the Christmas basket and angel tree sign-ups for 2007.
Rapture Brass performs at Salvation Army
RED BLUFF - Rapture Brass will be providing praise and worship brass band music at the Salvation Army Chapel located at 940 Walnut St., back building, at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Rapture Brass will also be playing at the Share your Christmas community food drive on Dec. 4 at Raley's Supermarket in Red Buff.
KRCR TV channel 7 and Tri-County Bank are sponsoring this event along with the help of local businesses, churches, service clubs, government agencies and families in the community.
The Salvation Army is ready to sign up other musical groups for the Tuesday, Dec. 4 food drive, and, also for the Bell-ringing season which starts on Nov. 23 and finishes on Dec. 24.
Volunteer bell-rings and musicians can call Rich White or Frank Severs at 527-8530.
Rapture Brass will also be playing at the Share your Christmas community food drive on Dec. 4 at Raley's Supermarket in Red Buff.
KRCR TV channel 7 and Tri-County Bank are sponsoring this event along with the help of local businesses, churches, service clubs, government agencies and families in the community.
The Salvation Army is ready to sign up other musical groups for the Tuesday, Dec. 4 food drive, and, also for the Bell-ringing season which starts on Nov. 23 and finishes on Dec. 24.
Volunteer bell-rings and musicians can call Rich White or Frank Severs at 527-8530.
Enjoy the spiritual advice of Dungy
Last year's NFL Super Bowl winning coach for the Indianapolis Colts Tony Dungy recently wrote a book called, Quiet Strength, Men's Bible Study. The book will be presented at First Southern Baptist Church at 585 Kimball in Red Bluff beginning on Nov. 3 at 9 a.m.
Men who are interested in Dungy's philosophy and spiritual strength are urged to attend.
Dungy says of the Game Plan session, "When I was fired from Tampa Bay, I knew that my game plan needed to change. I had planned to be there much longer than I was. And I knew a change would be difficult for my family. But God's plans were different, and I quickly learned the importance of following God's plan, and glorifying Him no matter where I am. This section of the Bible study will challenge you to find God in the midst of frustrated plans."
The first session will be led by Kyle Turner, principal of Foothill High School. He has also coached at Shasta College and for the UC Davis Aggies. Pastor Tom Turner, a former high school coach, who was fortunate enough to coach several NFL players during their youth, strongly recommends this study.
Following the Game Plan session will be weekly studies defining Real Strength, Success, Security, Significance and the Legacy men would like to leave. All men are invited to attend.
For further information you can reach Pastor Tom at (530) 227-7173.
Men who are interested in Dungy's philosophy and spiritual strength are urged to attend.
Dungy says of the Game Plan session, "When I was fired from Tampa Bay, I knew that my game plan needed to change. I had planned to be there much longer than I was. And I knew a change would be difficult for my family. But God's plans were different, and I quickly learned the importance of following God's plan, and glorifying Him no matter where I am. This section of the Bible study will challenge you to find God in the midst of frustrated plans."
The first session will be led by Kyle Turner, principal of Foothill High School. He has also coached at Shasta College and for the UC Davis Aggies. Pastor Tom Turner, a former high school coach, who was fortunate enough to coach several NFL players during their youth, strongly recommends this study.
Following the Game Plan session will be weekly studies defining Real Strength, Success, Security, Significance and the Legacy men would like to leave. All men are invited to attend.
For further information you can reach Pastor Tom at (530) 227-7173.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Harvest & Hallelujah Festivals
Hallelujah Night
Contact: Pam 530.527.0445 (email: bethelrb@yahoo.com)
Details: RED BLUFF - Bethel Assembly of God Church, 525 Luther Rd. is hosting Hallelujah Night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Hallelujah Night is a fun place where kids can dress up (only 'nice' costumes), play games and get candy in a safe environment.
Fall Festival
RED BLUFF - The First Church of God, South Jackson and Luther Road, will hold a fall festival from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31.
The festival will include games, cake walk and other activities. It is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.
Harvest Festival in Corning
Contact: Nick Alexander 824-2091
Details: CORNING - The Harvest Christian Center will be host their 13th annual Harvest Festival on Wednesday, Oct. 31. This is a free event for the community children and provides a safe environment for the whole family. There will be games, music, refreshments, a cookie walk, jumping castles and other activities. The center is preparing for 1,000 to 1,200 children to be attendance this year and are seeking donations that will help meet this need. The current needs are punch, chili, hot chocolate, coffee, funds for prizes and lots of candy. Any assistance or donations to aid in the success of this benefit would be appreciated by the center. Acknowledgments will be sent to those donating.
Fall festival
Contact: 347-3313
Website: www.cottonwoodag.org
Details: COTTONWOOD – All families with kids, the Assembly of God Church, 20404 Gas Point Road, is having its Fall Festival 2007. Games for kids 2 years to 12 years of age, all ages are welcome, 10 games in all. The maize and cake walk are back. Don't miss out on the fun! Games for candy! Every child is a winner! Starts at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the church. Get your free treat bags and tickets at the door. No costumes are required. A safe alternative for all kids on Halloween night. More information 347-3313.
Contact: Pam 530.527.0445 (email: bethelrb@yahoo.com)
Details: RED BLUFF - Bethel Assembly of God Church, 525 Luther Rd. is hosting Hallelujah Night from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Hallelujah Night is a fun place where kids can dress up (only 'nice' costumes), play games and get candy in a safe environment.
Fall Festival
RED BLUFF - The First Church of God, South Jackson and Luther Road, will hold a fall festival from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 31.
The festival will include games, cake walk and other activities. It is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend.
Harvest Festival in Corning
Contact: Nick Alexander 824-2091
Details: CORNING - The Harvest Christian Center will be host their 13th annual Harvest Festival on Wednesday, Oct. 31. This is a free event for the community children and provides a safe environment for the whole family. There will be games, music, refreshments, a cookie walk, jumping castles and other activities. The center is preparing for 1,000 to 1,200 children to be attendance this year and are seeking donations that will help meet this need. The current needs are punch, chili, hot chocolate, coffee, funds for prizes and lots of candy. Any assistance or donations to aid in the success of this benefit would be appreciated by the center. Acknowledgments will be sent to those donating.
Fall festival
Contact: 347-3313
Website: www.cottonwoodag.org
Details: COTTONWOOD – All families with kids, the Assembly of God Church, 20404 Gas Point Road, is having its Fall Festival 2007. Games for kids 2 years to 12 years of age, all ages are welcome, 10 games in all. The maize and cake walk are back. Don't miss out on the fun! Games for candy! Every child is a winner! Starts at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the church. Get your free treat bags and tickets at the door. No costumes are required. A safe alternative for all kids on Halloween night. More information 347-3313.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Jefferson Pipe Band Featured in Scottish Celebration
On Sunday, the Jefferson Pipe Band will perform Celtic bagpipe and drum music at the Red Bluff Presbyterian Church, 838 Jefferson St., Red Bluff. An 11 a.m. Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans worship service will honor the Scottish faith traditions practiced by the Presbyterian Church. A processional will open the service, led by the church Sexton carrying the Beadle (Bible), followed by Banners of Faith, the Jefferson Pipe Band featuring bagpipers and drummers, the Presbyterian Church choir, Pastor Jack Eisel and church lay readers. Scottish pipe hymns will be featured throughout the service, as well as blessing of individuals and families of Scottish descent. Traditional Celtic pipe hymns and melodies will continue after the service during a coffee hour featuring traditional Scottish foods.
The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans custom began in response to English attempt to extinguish Scottish culture. In 1746, a Parliamentary Act sought to deny the Scottish people the right to wear the kilt, plaid or any tartan garment. Bagpipes, as well, were banned and defined as a weapon in the continued effort to destroy highland clan identity. Arrest, imprisonment or banishment to the colonies was the price paid for almost 40 years, to those disobeying the law in the highlands. During this time the women of the highland clans, whose men were far from home, would take a small piece of their tartan to the Kirk (church) to be secretly blessed and to pray for heaven’s protection for their clan and its members. Thus came the Scottish celebration known as the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans.
For more information, contact the Red Bluff Presbyterian Church at 527-0372.
The Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans custom began in response to English attempt to extinguish Scottish culture. In 1746, a Parliamentary Act sought to deny the Scottish people the right to wear the kilt, plaid or any tartan garment. Bagpipes, as well, were banned and defined as a weapon in the continued effort to destroy highland clan identity. Arrest, imprisonment or banishment to the colonies was the price paid for almost 40 years, to those disobeying the law in the highlands. During this time the women of the highland clans, whose men were far from home, would take a small piece of their tartan to the Kirk (church) to be secretly blessed and to pray for heaven’s protection for their clan and its members. Thus came the Scottish celebration known as the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans.
For more information, contact the Red Bluff Presbyterian Church at 527-0372.
Corning has resoration celebration
CORNING — First Christian Church of Corning has invited everyone to a “restoration celebration” at 11 a.m. Sunday. The congregation has completed much work on our church complex, including a new roof, many new doors, a new paint job outside and repair and refinish inside. It is “newly repaired, restored and repainted.”
The women's fellowship of the church as a forerunner to next week's Bazaar, is holding a raffle for a 68-year-old crocheted “never been used” bedspread, donated by Mildred Swinington. Her mother-in-law, Alice Marshall, made it for Mildred and her husband as a wedding gift. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. They can be obtained by contacting Mildred at 824-2675 or coming to the bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 3.
The women's fellowship of the church as a forerunner to next week's Bazaar, is holding a raffle for a 68-year-old crocheted “never been used” bedspread, donated by Mildred Swinington. Her mother-in-law, Alice Marshall, made it for Mildred and her husband as a wedding gift. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. They can be obtained by contacting Mildred at 824-2675 or coming to the bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 3.
First Church of God holds women’s
RED BLUFF –- More than 70 women are participating in a Bible Study titled “Discerning the Voice of God” by Priscilla Shirer at the First Church of God at the corner of Luther and Jackson streets.
The study, which is sponsored by the Women’s Life Group of the church, has groups which meet on either Monday evenings or Thursday mornings.
All women attending meet together for a brief period of time during which Shirer often discusses the subject for the study on video. Afterward, the women go into small discussions groups.
Wendy Burgess, Women’s Life chair, has invited all women of the community who might be interested to join the study. Information is available from the church office at 527-5717.
The study, which is sponsored by the Women’s Life Group of the church, has groups which meet on either Monday evenings or Thursday mornings.
All women attending meet together for a brief period of time during which Shirer often discusses the subject for the study on video. Afterward, the women go into small discussions groups.
Wendy Burgess, Women’s Life chair, has invited all women of the community who might be interested to join the study. Information is available from the church office at 527-5717.
Winter blanket drive in Corning
CORNING — As you know, winter is fast approaching. Corning Christian Assistance needs your help keeping the community’s homeless and less fortunate warm this winter.
The blanket drive will begin Oct 29 and end Nov 2. Hours of business are Monday and Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. CCA is at 710 4th St. in Corning.
All clean and blankets in good repair (it doesn’t matter if they are new or not) would be appreciated.
Tuesday through Thursday you can drop your blankets from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Primary Residential Mortgage at 711 4th St. Information is available at CCA at 824-3866.
The blanket drive will begin Oct 29 and end Nov 2. Hours of business are Monday and Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. CCA is at 710 4th St. in Corning.
All clean and blankets in good repair (it doesn’t matter if they are new or not) would be appreciated.
Tuesday through Thursday you can drop your blankets from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Primary Residential Mortgage at 711 4th St. Information is available at CCA at 824-3866.
Signs of Life

If you come across a Message Board, or Marquee that you would like have displayed, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Please join St. Peter's Episcopal Church for our annual Oktoberfest Dinner on Sunday, October 28th, located at 510 Jefferson Street.
Dinner starts at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Newcomers are especially invited to get to know our congregation!
Please contact St. Peter's at 527-5205 for more details.
Dinner starts at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Newcomers are especially invited to get to know our congregation!
Please contact St. Peter's at 527-5205 for more details.
The Salvation Army increases storage area

The Salvation Army recently purchased a steel storage container to provide a larger storage area for food provided to the less fortunate in this area. The container arrived on Wednesday the 17th of October.
Hydra Crane – Wright Brothers Industrial Contractors – of Red Bluff – graciously donated their services to provide crane service which placed the storage container in the proper position and leveled it. The container will allow a local area - adjacent to The Salvation Army Corps Social Services building at 940 Walnut – to store food rather than at a remote location which has been utilized in the past. Any food donations would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bethel Assembly of God invites everyone to an open house

Please join Bethel Assembly of God Church in a celebration of their new facility at an Open House to be held on Saturday, October 27th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
A hot dog lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1p.m. Tours will be provided along with balloons for the children.
Bethel Assembly of God Church
625 Luther Rd. • Red Bluff, CA
Signs of Life

If you come across a Message Board, or Marquee that you would like have displayed, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Friday, October 19, 2007
Rummage sale set for Saturday
CORNING - St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Marin and First streets, will hold a rummage sale Saturday at the parish hall. The sale will run from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Senior Warden Terri Jamison says there are many items including books, clothes, pottery and knickknacks. Proceeds go to support the church mission.
Senior Warden Terri Jamison says there are many items including books, clothes, pottery and knickknacks. Proceeds go to support the church mission.
Cowboy Bible camp slated for kids
Cowboy Church International will hold a cowboy Bible camp free for kids of all ages.
The event will take place Oct. 27 and 28 on Merle Newton's ranch on Red Bank Road.
Activities include 4-wheelers, barrel racing, roping, stick horse rodeo and a magic act.
Information is available by contacting Merle or Sandi Newton at 529-3700.
The event will take place Oct. 27 and 28 on Merle Newton's ranch on Red Bank Road.
Activities include 4-wheelers, barrel racing, roping, stick horse rodeo and a magic act.
Information is available by contacting Merle or Sandi Newton at 529-3700.
Signs of Life
The best mathematical equation
I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
Contributed by Jim White
I have ever seen:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
Contributed by Jim White
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Recycle The Warmth

Who do you know that needs a coat?
Yourself? Children? Grandchildren? Mother or Father? Neighbor?
Homeless? Friend? Co-worker? Elderly?
Come to:
Bethel Church,
625 Luther Rd.,
Saturday, Nov. 10th
8:00am to 12 noon.
Help us get the word out.
Every year the Daily News Associates has sponsored a warm clothing/soup kitchen giveaway. It is our way of saying “we care about others”.
Clothing, blankets and food will be available for all. Please help us pass the word to families and individuals that would benefit from this event.
If you would like to donate, bring your gently used:
The greatest needs each year are for X-Large sizes and Children’s warm clothes.
We will be accepting items until Nov. 8th.
We sincerely appreciate everyone’s participation.
This event is open to any family or individual in need of winter clothing.
Senia Owensby
Daily News, 545 Diamond Ave.
Call 527-2151, ext 129 or e-mail production@redbluffdailynews.com
Links to flyers you can download and print out:
Church Bulletin insert .pdf file
Spanish/English flyer .pdf file
Recycle The Warmth Flyer (invite to help) .pdf file
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Christmas food/toys sign-up dates
RED BLUFF - The Salvation Army, Red Bluff Corps, 940 Walnut Street, announces the Christmas basket and angel tree sign-ups for 2007.
- Wednesday, Oct. 24: 9-11:30 p.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 25: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Oct. 31: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 1: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Monday, Nov. 5: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Nov. 7: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 8: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Monday, Nov. 12: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Nov. 14: 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 a.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 15: 9-11:30 a.m.
- Last day of sign up:
- Monday, Nov. 19: 9-11:30 a.m.
Tiffany Jensen crowned Honor Star

Pictured left, Summer Shults, Tiffany Jensen, right.
Tiffany Dione Jensen, a 6th grader at Bidwell elementary was crownedHonor Star through the Missionettes program of the Assemblies of God on October 13th in Rocklin, CA.
Tiffany, who has attended the Missionette program at Bethel Assembly of God in Red Bluff since she was 3-years old, met all of the extensive requirements to achieve this crowning under the leadership of her
teacher, Summer Shults.
The three year Star program includes Bible reading, memorization and passing the honor star test.
Tiffany is the daughter of Rev. Larry and Chaunda Jensen. She is the first to achieve honor star at Bethel in 17 years.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Connect the Thots 27
Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues.
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this quiz a try - the answers are at the bottom of post.
1. Seth, the garden of Eden, disobedience to God
2. an early inheritance, riotous living, friendlessness and starvation
3. a wife named Keturah, a son named Ishmael, a covenant with God
4. cousin of Barnabas, profitable to Paul's ministry, author of a gospel
5. the darts of the wicked, the Christian's trial, Nebuchadnezzar's furnace
6. Jedidiah, a fleet of ships, "Divide the living child in two"
7. heaves of grain, sun, moon, and eleven stars, bowing in worship
8. Hagar, banishment to the wilderness, "a wild man"
9. husband of one wife, grave, not given to much wine
10. King Eglon of Moab, King Joash of Judah, King Sennacherib of Assyria
Answers to quiz:
1. Adam and Eve 2. the parable of the lost (prodigal) son 3. Abraham or Abram 4. Mark 5. fiery things 6. Solomon 7. dreams of Joseph 8. Ishmael 9. qualifications for deacons 10. victims of assassination
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this quiz a try - the answers are at the bottom of post.
1. Seth, the garden of Eden, disobedience to God
2. an early inheritance, riotous living, friendlessness and starvation
3. a wife named Keturah, a son named Ishmael, a covenant with God
4. cousin of Barnabas, profitable to Paul's ministry, author of a gospel
5. the darts of the wicked, the Christian's trial, Nebuchadnezzar's furnace
6. Jedidiah, a fleet of ships, "Divide the living child in two"
7. heaves of grain, sun, moon, and eleven stars, bowing in worship
8. Hagar, banishment to the wilderness, "a wild man"
9. husband of one wife, grave, not given to much wine
10. King Eglon of Moab, King Joash of Judah, King Sennacherib of Assyria
Answers to quiz:
1. Adam and Eve 2. the parable of the lost (prodigal) son 3. Abraham or Abram 4. Mark 5. fiery things 6. Solomon 7. dreams of Joseph 8. Ishmael 9. qualifications for deacons 10. victims of assassination
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Signs of Life

If you come across a Message Board, or Marquee that you would like have displayed, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Monday, October 08, 2007
Signs of Life

If you come across a Message Board, or Marquee that you would like have displayed, please send me an e-mail at sheep.pen@gmail.com
Friday, October 05, 2007
Old Timey Gospel Mountain Music concert at Rancho Tehama

Dan Daniels will be in concert at 6 p.m. Sunday at Rancho Tehama Community Church.
He will bring his style of Old Timey Gospel Mountain Music, which includes the old favorites on claw hammer banjo, Appalachian dulcimer and guitar.
He is the former pastor of Rancho Tehama Community Church.
Rancho Tehama Community Church is at 17207 Stagecoach Road in Rancho Tehama. Information is available at 585-2526.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Bethel Assembly of God in RB acting on the great commission

Bethel Assembly of God in Red Bluff takes seriously the great commission to: "Go into all the world, Mark 16:15". All are called to the mission field. Some perform it through our daily lives right where we live, and some go to other countries.
September 6th through September 15th, fourteen people from Bethel set off for Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The team consisted of Pastor Ron Fortenberry, Patt Brittain, Raymond Childers, Pam Diehl, Cynthia Hoofard, Jeff & Judy Mandolfo, Tom Mehringer, Wes and Shannon Niles, Kevin Quigley, Susie Sanders, Mike Stenberg
The General Council of the Honduran Assemblies of God planted over 100 (“Honduras100”) churches in the last few years throughout the countryside of Honduras. Most of these new church plants currently have no facilities in which to worship. These new congregations are having services outside under trees, many times without protection from bad weather, or inside small dwellings without sufficient space. “Honduras100” is an ambitious project to build 100 steel tabernacles over the next 4 years. This project is designed to change these circumstances by providing a simple, relatively inexpensive, easily built structural steel frame that would allow a congregation almost instant access out of the weather.
A tabernacle is a standard size steel structure, 36' wide and 48' long. Concrete footings, structural steel columns, structural steel roof frame, and 26 gauge galvanized sheet metal roofing is provided and constructed by a visiting team, or a team of local church members. They ask for $10,000 from each team who comes to help. That will buy the structure, sheet metal roof, install the foundation and buy enough cement, sand, and concrete blocks to wall in the structure. The rest will be left up to the congregation to do, but at least they will have a roof for protection from heat and rain, and will have some security with the walls. Not only did Bethel send the $10,000 for the project but also each team member paid for all of their own expenses, which included the flight, transportation, hotel and meals.
Bethel Assembly completed tabernacle number twenty-two in Sabana Grande, about a 40-minute drive south of Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras. Our project in Sabana Grande, was a much needed project. The church has already had to move out of one house, and was renting another small house that was still too small. The congregation had to meet in small groups in various homes and came together once a month in a school. When that happened they had over 100 people in attendance. This new church building allowed them to worship together in one location.
I praise God for giving Red Bluff Bethel a heart for Missions. We have already begun to pray for our mission trip for 2008.
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