Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Connect the Thots #17

Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues. For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?

Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.

1. a woman named Zipporah, a forty-year journey, a tablet of stone
2. son of Saul, warrior of Israel, friend of David
3. a wedding in Cana, King Ahaseurus's seven-day feast, Noah's tent
4. Jesus' sweat on the Mount of Olives, the life of the flesh, robes washed white before God's throne
5. Ahinoam, Abigail, Michal
6. a rich man's request from hell, Moses' "slowness", speech at Pentecost
7. Ananias, Caiaphas, Jesus Christ
8. God has none in the death of the wicked, of sin, for a season, at God's right hand forevermore
9. Pharaoh's lost in the Red Sea, Solomon's fourteen hundred, Elijah's fiery ride into heaven
10. Jesus' mockery, Mordicai's honor, Lydia's business

Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. David 2. John the Baptist 3. people who were baptized 4. land
5. barren women 6. baskets 7. people who ate honey 8. baldness 9. occurrences in caves 10. people who asked God to kill them

(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)

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