Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Connect the Thots #11

Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues. For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?

Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.

1.the Bread of Life, the True Vine, Alpha and Omega
2.honor your father and mother, don’t murder, don’t covet
3.Tarshish, Joppa, Nineveh
4.a brother of Jesus, the Cyrenian who carried Jesus’ cross, a Canaanite disciple
5.the serpent in the garden, a burning bush, Balaam’s donkey
6.four men and a crippled friend, King David--lusting for Bathsheba, Peter and his vision of animals in a sheet
7.the election of Matthias as an apostle, soldiers competing for the crucified Jesus’ clothing, Jonah determined as the cause of a storm at sea
8.John the Baptist’s food, Samson’s riddle, the Promised Land
9.Eliphaz, Zophar, Elihu
10. Elijah’s final day, God’s answer to Job, sowing the wind

Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. Simon Peter 2. Joseph 3. sayings of Jesus on the cross 4. the prophet Elijah 5. fathers and sons 6. King Saul 7. beautiful women 8. people who were stoned 9. people who danced 10. children of prophets

(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)

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