Sunday, August 26, 2007

Connect the Thots 25

Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues.

For example, what one idea ties together:

Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' =

Easy enough?

Give this quiz a try - the answers are at the bottom of post.

1. the Transfiguration, forty years in the wilderness, the Ten commandments
2. a boat, fishing nets, a man named Zebedee
3. carnal mindedness, "the house appointed for all living", the wages of sin
4. Pergamos, Sardis, Philadelphia
5. shipwrecks, stoning, hunger and thirst
6. moths, rust, thieves
7. a man called Jerub-Baal, a choice army of three hundred, a dream of battling bread
8. Aristarchus, Tychicus, Aquila and Priscilla
9. meat sacrificed to idols, all appearance of evil, "fleshly lusts, which war against the soul"
10. you'll be proven a liar, you'll receive plagues, you'll lose your part in the book of life

Answers to quiz:
1. Moses 2. James and John 3. death 4. churches of Revelation 5. Paul's sufferings as an apostle 6. destroyers of earthly treasure; according to Jesus 7. the story of Gideon 8. coworkers with the apostle Paul 9. things to abstain from 10. consequences of manipulating God's Word

(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)

Truth Tabernacle holds kids crusade

Truth Tabernacle Church invites everyone to come Dive for
Treasure at their Kids Crusade where children ages 4 to 11 will be
diving for God’s greatest treasures.
The fun starts at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 31 and 11 a.m. to 2
p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 1.
The whole family is welcome to come dive in the fun on Sunday, Sept. 2.
A family picnic water slide, water games, and other fun activities are
All activities will be in the big tent at 285 Gilmore Road, Red bluff.
Information is available from Gina Small at 529-3193 or 526-4507.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Last Chance drama at Calvary Chapel

The Last Chance, a live multimedia drama, will be presented by the Calvary Chapel on Sunday, Aug. 26 through Tuesday, Aug. 28 at 7 p.m. Admission is free to the events.

Calvary Chapel Red Bluff is hosting Reality Ministries presentation of the original production, Last Chance. This production is a live multimedia dramatic play that weaves stage drama with original feature film segments into one cinematic event.

The audience is challenged over three presentation nights (Sunday through Tuesday) to consider where they will spend eternity based on the Biblical reality of life after death and beyond the grave.

Last Chance is performed using the church congregation as cast members, and includes professional lighting, sound, projectors, screens, visual effects, staging and sets.

Last Chance depicts the love of a grandfather for his family, and his faith and hope for their future on earth that will determine where they will spend eternity. The drama commences with the ending of this grandfather’s life and is followed by a series of vignettes depicting the lives of his children and grandchildren.

Don’t miss Last Chance, as this play asks the question “Where will you be when reality strikes?”

Information is available from Jeanie Del Casale at 200-3617.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Teaching with authority

When Jesus finished that day, those who had listened recognized that He taught with authority. This contrasted with the way their educated men taught, who carefully followed the traditional interpretations.

"The result was that when Jesus had finished these words, the multitudes were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes." Matthew 7:28-29

Jesus taught what no one else had taught; He did not lean on the religious traditions in what He taught. he even used those traditions as a contrast to what He taught.

Yet Jesus did not set aside the Scriptures; He clearly made the point that the Scriptures will not pass away while the earth endures. but Jesus looked at the Scriptures in a very different way than their teachers had approached them. Their teachers looked at Scriptures as something to build around; the Jewish traditions were built to keep men from breaking the Law. They stated that they were building a fence around the law; they assumed that they could keep the Law if they worked at it diligently.

But Jesus sought to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, not just keep a distance from them. Jesus saw that the Law and the Prophets were meant to build something; they were not just rules. Jesus taught what the Scriptures were meant to accomplish not what men had built around them.

Jesus looked for something in the Law and the prophets. The traditional teachers had only built around the Law and the Prophets. [Read More]

Excerpt from "The Foundation of Discipleship" by Greg Whitten,] or Basic Christianity

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Kincaids to speak at Abundant Life

The Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Kincaid, missionaries to Latin America, will be ministering at Abundant Life Fellowship at both the 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. services Sunday.
They have worked in Latin American countries for more than 40 years, have established more than 200 churches and have a bible school in Reynosa, Mexico. They will be showing pictures at the evening service.

Pat Hartung, who is with Wycliffe Translators, will share in these services. She has spent most of her life in the Philippines and, along with co-workers, has just completed translating the New Testament into a Philippine dialect. She is working on a dictionary and concordance now completing almost 35 years of labor on these projects.

The public has been invited to these services. Abundant Life Fellowship is located at 21080 Luther Road.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

Senior Adult Annual Getaway set

MINERAL — The Senior Adult Annual Getaway for those over 55 will be held at the Mount Lassen Camp on Highway 36E. The dates are Aug. 21-25.
Speakers for the camp will be Glen Cole and Del Tarr. Cole is the former district superintendent for the Northern California Assemblies of God, and Tarr is the former president of the California Theological Seminary. Cabin and RV spaces are available. Meals will be served in the camp-dining hall.
Reservations can be made by calling Stan Wagner at (916) 424-2345. Information is available from Jim Logan at 347-6226 or Chuck Davidson at 221-9870. Camp Manager Rick Hutson can be reached at 595-3369.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Connect the Thots

Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues.

For example, what one idea ties together:

Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' =

Easy enough?

Give this quiz a try - the answers are at the bottom of post.

1. a mount, groves, & Noah’s dove
2. Daniel’s “weeks”, the “other” disciples, & forgiveness times seven.
3. The Shunammite’s son, Eutychus, & Lazarus
4. Pentecost, Jesus walks on water, & Job’s children
5. Joseph, the ancient Israelites, & Onesimus
6. churches of Revelation, the first deacons, & clean animals on the ark
7. Aaron, Gershom, & Miriam
8. Naaman, Joab, & Barak
9. Tobiah, Ezra, & King Artaxerxes
10. a fire, an unruly evil, & a world of iniquity

Answers to quiz:
1. olives 2. seventy 3. people raised from the dead 4. strong winds 5. slaves 6. seven 7. relatives of Moses 8. army commanders 9. characters in the book of Nehemiah 10. the tongue

(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Teaching for a purpose

Jesus was making disciples as He sat on the mountain teaching.

The accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke indicate that Jesus called certain fishermen, Peter and Andrew, and James and John, to follow Him before the Sermon on the Mount. These men would have been there listening. But others were there as well. The account in Matthew records the Sermon on the Mount in great detail; the accounts in Mark and Luke do not. The complete structure of the discourse indicates that Matthew was listening intently. But the accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke indicate that Matthew himself was called later, as he sat at his tax office in the city. Matthew had sat on the mountain listening to Jesus; this tax collector remembered details, every detail.

(Zaccheus, also a tax collector, also was good at remembering details. In Luke 19 he told Jesus he would repay four-fold everything he had taken by fraud.)

When Jesus passed by Matthew sitting at his table collecting taxes, Matthew knew what this Man taught. When Jesus said "Follow Me" Matthew was ready to leave his place in life, and follow Jesus. Jesus had been making a disciple of Matthew as He taught on the mountain.

Teaching is for a purpose. It is to bring inward change.

"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." 1 Timothy 1:5

Teaching needs to address the inward; otherwise discipleship becomes a school of acting. Discipleship should give a heart that has been cleansed from sin, an internal conscience that is useful in doing what is good and a faith that is not the result of role-playing. Love is to come from a changed person, not a well-acted part.

Excerpt from "The Foundation of Discipleship" by Greg Whitten,] or Basic Christianity

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Power Principles

By David-A Baker
Should you have a problem, don't let it cause you to be a problem. Be a problem solver.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Liberty Gospel Quartet in Gerber

The Liberty Gospel Quartet will be performing at Gerber Bible Fellowship on Friday, Aug. 10 at 7 p.m.
The concert is free and open to the public.
Liberty is based on the West Coast. The members of Liberty are Royce Mitchell, bass; Dan Gilbert, lead; Doran Ritchey, baritone/piano; and Keith Waggoner, tenor. Liberty averages 50-70,000 miles a year ministering in approximately 200 performances for church services, large conventions including the Great Western Quartet Convention and the Gospel Music Fan Festival in Canada, nursing homes, prisons, and other ministries.
Gerber Bible Fellowship is located on the corner of Samson and Ventura in Gerber.

Sing-A-Long at Baptist church

The First Southern Baptist Church invites everyone to their church for a "Sing-A-Long" on Sunday Aug.12.
The Friend in Faith and anyone else that wants to sing is invited. Refreshments will be served after the concert.
The sing-a-long will be at 6 p.m. at 585 Kimball Rd. Come out for an evening of good music.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Christian Womens Conference 07

“In Search of the Holy Trail, Lord I want to be Holy”
Laugh, Cry, study, pray and leave refreshed ready to make it through another year.
Don’t miss this unique event.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Conference begins 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Only $45.00 Lunch included on Saturday.
Please register early to be sure there is a lunch for you.
Registration forms available here or through the website
Location: Trinity Landmark Missionary Baptist Church 20920 Hampton Rhodes Dr Red Bluff, Ca. 96080
Contact Sharnell Chambers for more info 530-528-8433

Ancient Paths Seminar Presented by Family Foundations International

Community Baptist Church, 598 Roundup Avenue, Red Bluff
Thursday, September 13 -- 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Friday, September 14 -- 6:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 15 -- 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Ancient Paths Seminar is a balanced ministry of Biblical teaching followed by praying in small groups based upon Jeremiah 6:16. The teaching, by Family Foundations, Inc. founder Craig Hill, gives solid principles and moving examples that opens the heart up for ministry to receive a 'touch' from God.

Registration: $45/per person;$85/per married couple if registered by 09/06/07
Late Registration: $55/per person;$99/per married couple

Please contact Karla Dillon, 530-529-1836 for more information.
Event Email: