Monday, July 09, 2007

Connect The Thots #24

Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues. For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?

Give this quiz a try. We will post the answers next time along with a new quiz.

1. a persecutor, the road to Damascus, a thorn in the flesh
2. a house built on rock, new wine in old bottles, an unmerciful servant
3. the Sea of Galilee, a fisherman, the brother of Peter
4. Ephesus, Smyrna, Thyatira
5. a young protege, wicked sons, a broken neck
6. Solomon's concubines, Gideon's army for fighting Midian, Enoch's years after Methuselah's birth
7. one of the Seven, a talk with an Ethiopian eunuch, four unmarried daughters who prophesied
8. Arcturus (the Bear), Orion, Pleiades
9. a cloke (cloak), books, parchments
10. Samuel, Jesus, Josiah

Answers to last quiz:
1. titles of Jesus Christ 2. plagues on Egypt 3. passover 4. fruit 5. compliments from the Song of Solomon 6. harpistis 7. oil 8. Miriam 9. people visited by the angel Gabriel 10.millstones

(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)

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