Heaven is the topic of a current study at North Valley Baptist Church, 345 David Ave.
The subject is being presented jointly as an adult Sunday school series by Scott Camp and as a sermon series by pastor David Lamberson. Although the presentations are based on the book “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, close attention is paid to what the Bible says on this subject.
According to Camp, more attention is given by preachers and teachers to “staying out of hell” and how to get to heaven, than enjoying the delights of heaven. The view of heaven held by most Christians has been influenced more by the secular culture and less by what the Bible teaches. It is important, he stated, to take what the Bible teaches on this subject literally, that our physical resurrection will be to a physical “place” and that God has told us a great deal about the future of our life in heaven.
Questions to be discussed include: will we have physical bodies in heaven, will we know one another and what happens immediately after we die? Biblical answers to those and other questions are objects of the study. Both adult Sunday school and the sermons for Nov. 19 and 26 will be delivered by Camp, who will be filling the pulpit during the absence of Lamberson.
Camp, an ordained minister, has been a member of the church since 2001. He and his wife Sharon came to Red Bluff five years ago and built a home here. He was the pastor at Faith Fellowship in Orange for five years.
He earned his masters in theology at California Graduate School of Theology in Glendale. When asked how he chose to move to Red Bluff, Camp said, “We drew a three hour driving circle around our grandchildren in Danville and began our search. It took six months to locate our property.”
Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and church services begin at 10:50 a.m.
Information is available at 527-0543. The public are invited.
Scott Camp is pictured
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