Walk Thru the Old Testament January 27, 2008
As Christians, we know what the answer should be to the question, What's your favorite book? But the dust on the bindings of our Bibles betrays us. Our favorite books are the ones we’ve read cover to cover three times. We have intimate knowledge of the characters, and we get our thrills anticipating the plot twists.
Most of us know the Old Testament as scattered kids’ fantasies about giants and a roan-swallowing fish, a talking snake and a staff that can part a sea. We’ve jumbled the plot line and lost the build-up, the tension. We’ve robbed the climax of its power.
The appearance of Christ as the man, Jesus, was not the beginning of the story. It was the greatest solution to the greatest problem. If we don’t know the history before Christ, we can’t really grasp what He came to save.
Walk Thru The Bible Ministries understands this. The organization has developed many types of seminars and media to teach and preach the gospel. On Jan. 27 at OEFC, they will be employing their oldest of traditions, the Old Testament seminar.
Dan Grocott, Pastor of Family Ministries, recently spoke about this seminar. “This is an organization whose goal is to teach me Bible as an overview, so that any age can grasp the characters, themes, and the big picture of how the whole Bible fits together, instead of scattered stories.”
How can all this be done in just one day? “They present it in such an exciting way, the stories come alive. They give you enough detail that the whole story makes sense, and they give it to you in a humorous,entertaining way that makes it stick.”
What makes Grocott so sure of all this? “When I was youth pastor here in the mid-nineties, they did the Old Testament seminar here. It went so well we had them back to do the New Testament. The church was packed. Even now I can think of certain books of the Bible and remember the themes as Walk Thru The Bible presented them.”
How does this fit in to Family Ministries? “I hope families gain a greater understanding of the Old Testament as one continuous story that leads to Christ, that they would gain a passion for the Word of God.”
• The first interactive session will be presented during both worship
services at no cost.
• Sign up in advance to attend the four afternoon sessions, beginning
at 1 p.m.
• Cost is $17 per person (includes one book).
• Or, pay $50 for family of three or more (includes three books).