Saturday, May 10, 2008
A time to change....
We will keep you posted.
Until then...
God bless.
Sheep Pen
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter Services

Sunrise Bible Fellowship
RED BLUFF — Sunrise Bible Fellowship will hold its 20th Annual Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. Easter morning on Shaw Hill. From Baker Road, take Plymire Road past the landfill, follow the signs for the Sunrise Bible Fellowship Easter Sunrise service.
It is recommended to wear practical shoes and bring a lawn chair. Following the outdoor sunrise service, a french toast breakfast will be held from 8:15-9:30 a.m. at the church at 956 Jackson St. Breakfast will be by donation to the church’s upcoming mission trip to India.
Youth director Chris Hurton will bring the message at the regular worship service, which is moved up an hour on Easter Sunday. There will be no Sunday School hour, and church will begin at 9:50 a.m. Information pertaining to Resurrection morning services is available from Pastor Pat Hurton at
527-6818 or
First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ
CORNING — First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ will host Easter Sunday worship service at 11 a.m. Adult Bible study will begin at 10 a.m.
A special Communion will be given by Rev. Jerri Handy at the 11 a.m. service in celebration of Easter. The church is at 1421 Marin St. Information is available at 824-5664.
Abundant Life Fellowship
RED BLUFF — Abundant Life Fellowship will celebrate Resurrection Sunday with a sunrise service at 7 a.m., rain or shine.
This will be a short worship service followed by a free breakfast of hotcakes, juice, sausage, coffee and hot chocolate. Immediately after breakfast, there will be a special Easter service. There will be no service
Sunday evening.
Abundant Life Fellowship is at 21080 Luther Road.
Vina Community Church
VINA — The Vina Community Church Easter service starts at 9 a.m. with a musical variety. Then there will be a break for breakfast brunch. The worship service is at 10:45 a.m. Information is available at 839-2340.
First Southern Baptist Church
RED BLUFF — The First Southern Baptist Church will hold Easter services at 8:30 a.m., with Bible study from 9:45-10:45 a.m. A second service will be held at 11 a.m. The church is at 585 Kimball Road.
Information is available at 527-5083 or
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
RED BLUFF — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will hold an Easter Vigil Service at 7:30 p.m. today. An Easter worship service will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday.
St. Peter’s is at 510 Jefferson St. on the corner of Jefferson and Elm streets.
Information is available at 527-5205 or
Sacred Heart Church
RED BLUFF — Sacred Heart Church will hold a Solemn Vigil of Easter in English and Spanish at 8 p.m. today. A reception will follow in St. Mary’s Hall. Easter Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday in
English and 1 p.m. in Spanish.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
CORNING — St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will hold Easter worship service at 11 a.m. on Sunday. St. Andrew’s is on the corner of Marin and First streets.
Information is available at 527-5205 or
Tehama Assembly of God
TEHAMA —Tehama Assembly of God Church service on Easter will be at the regular time with Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. and the church service at 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Signs of Life

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Signs of Life
Contributed by Jim White
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
90 Minutes in Heaven

A true story that will leave you breathless...Don Piper's dramatic story has been retold on such network TV
programs as "The Today Show on NBC" and "The Coral Ridge
Hour" with D. James Kennedy and "The 700 Club." He has been a
guest on numerous TV talk shows including Daystar's "At Home
Live," Canada's "100 Huntley Street," TBN's "Praise The Lord,"
"Life Today" with James Robinson, "Help Line," local and network
newscasts, and in numerous publications across America. Recently,
his book was featured in Newsweek Magazine. Now in its 41st
printing, 90 Minutes in Heaven has sold more that 2.7 million
copies in the United States.
Bethel Assembly of God
625 Luther Rd, Red Bluff
Easter Sunday, 10:30 a.m.
For more information, call 530.27.0445.
Rosen to speak at Good Friday worship celebration
The organization has permanent branches in eight major north American cities, as well as more than 127 volunteer chapters in 41 states and five countries. The groups international branches are headquartered in Johannesburg, London, Paris, Odessa, Moscow, Essen, Rio de Janeiro, Kharkov, Dnepopretrovsk, and Tel Aviv.
Rosen will speak on "Christ in the Passover," a presentation he wrote to enhance the Christians' understanding and appreciation of the Jewish background of the Christian Communion. Ancient and modern Jewish customs will be discussed and described with an emphasis on the aspect of redemption which Christ accomplished at Calvary.
During the presentation a table is set with the traditional Jewish Passover items, including representative foods which will be explained, but not eaten. The ceremonial Seder plate, the three-compartment pouch in which the unleavened bread is kept, and the traditional cup of Elijah are presented, and new insights to their christological significance are provided.
The community is invited to share in this special service. Childcare for the young will be provided.
Information is available at the church office 527-4203.
Easter egg hunt at El Camino United Methodist Church
Sunday School offered at St. Peter's
St. Peter's Episcopal Church is located at 510 Jefferson St., on the corner of Jefferson and Elm streets. For more details contact the church office at 527-5205 or via email at
Monday, March 10, 2008
Seventh Day to hold blood drive
Blood donations are used to treat burn victims, transplant and surgery patients, accident victims, patients with leukemia and more. A donor must be in generally good health, free from cold symptoms for at least 48 hours; be at least 17 and weigh at least 110 pounds. There is no upper age limit. Prospective donors must bring photo identification. All donors should eat and drink before donating.
Refreshments and a token of appreciation will be given to all participants. Information is available at 527-5077.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Favorite Hymns of Praise
Potluck to follow Sunday services
There will be an adult Bible study at 10 a.m. with Art Moniz. "Praise and prayer" will be held Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
On Sunday, there will be a monthly fellowship potluck following the service, to which everyone is welcome, and board meeting, which all members are encouraged to attend, according to the Rev. Jerri Handy.
For information, call 824-5664.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Signs of Life

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Signs of Life
Contributed by Jim White
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Signs of Life

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Signs of Life

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Saturday, March 01, 2008
Church Bulletins:
- Melody Boys Quartet to perform
- GERBER - The Melody Boys Gospel Quartet will perform a free concert at Gerber Bible Fellowship at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4. The church is located on the corner of Samson and Ventura in Gerber.
The Melody Boys are well known in the Southern Gospel industry for their tight vocal blend and classic styling. They also starred in their own nightly television show in their home state of Arkansas.
In 1957, The Melody Boys Quartet performed at the very first National Quartet Convention in Memphis, Tennessee; and they continue to perform on the main stage at the relocated National Quartet Convention in Louisville, Kent. every year.
More information is available at 385-1718. - CORNING ‹ First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, will have Rev. Jerri Handy serve as the interim pastor of the church. Handy preached last Sunday at the church located at 1421 Marin St.
The church holds regular service at 10 a.m. Sundays and 6:30 Wednesdays. More information is available at 824-2561. - RED BLUFF - Pastor John Bohrer, of Antelope Home Fellowship, invites all in the community to attend a series of studies titled "Peacemaking Principles, Responding to Conflict Biblically.". This is a study developed by Peacemaker Ministries out of Billings, Mont. The focus is on how everyone has conflicts in their lives and this study will teach how to respond according to scripture.
There will be a pizza party at 6 p.m. Sunday to kick off the eight-week study.
The church meets at Berrendos Middle School, 401 Chestnut Ave. They will be meeting jointly with Union Southern Baptist Church pastored by Robert Wheatly, for this series of studies on Sunday evenings. - RED BLUFF - St. Peter's Episcopal Church offers worship services during Lent:
- Every Thursday Morning Morning Prayer Service at 8 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
- Sundays during Lent (Through March 9) - Taizé Worship Service at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary
St. Peter's is located at 510 Jefferson St. on the corner of Jefferson and Elm streets in Red Bluff.
Information is available by contacting 527-5205 or
First Christian names interim pastor
Eight-week study on 'peacemaking
principles' continues Sunday evening
St. Peter¹s announces Lent services
St. Sacred piano concert in Manton
Deal is from the Chicago, Ill area and has presented over 2,400 sacred and classical piano concerts in Europe, Asia, North and South America. He has presented numerous solo concerts in the United States, and has also performed with symphony orchestras including an appearance at Chicago's historic Orchestra Hall.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Church Bulletins:
- Eight-week study on ‘peacemaking
- RED BLUFF — Pastor John Bohrer, of Antelope Home Fellowship, invites all in the community to attend a series of studies titled “Peacemaking Principles, Responding to Conflict Biblically.”
This is a study developed by Peacemaker Ministries out of Billings, Mont. The focus is on how everyone has conflicts in their lives and this study will teach how to respond according to scripture.
There will be a pizza party at 6 p.m. Sunday to kick off the eight-week study.
The church meets at Berrendos Middle School, 401 Chestnut Ave. They will be meeting jointly with Union Southern Baptist Church pastored by Robert Wheatly, for this series of studies on Sunday evenings. - RED BLUFF — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church offers worship services during Lent:
- Every Wednesday in February (Feb. 27) — Evening prayer service at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.
- Every Thursday Morning –Morning Prayer Service at 8 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
- Sundays during Lent (Through March 9) — TaizĂ© Worship Service at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary St. Peter’s is located at 510 Jefferson St. on the corner of Jefferson and Elm streets in Red Bluff.
Information is available by contacting 527-5205 or
principles’ starts Sunday evening
St. Peter’s announces Lent services
Pastor to speak at First Christian
A coffee hour follows the 11 a.m. service. Adult Bible study starts at 10 a.m. with Art Moniz. For more information, call 824-5664.
Jews for Jesus presentation on ‘Christ
in Passover’ at Sunrise Bible Fellowship
Using a visual display of traditional Passover accouterments, the “Christ in the Passover” presentation enhances the Christian’s understanding and appreciation of the Jewish background of the Christian Communion. Ancient and modern Jewish customs are discussed and described with an emphasis on the aspect of redemption which Christ accomplished at Calvary.
A table is set with the traditional Jewish Passover items, including representative foods which are explained, but not eaten. The ceremonial Seder plate, the three-compartment pouch in which the matzo (unleavened bread) is kept, as well as the traditional cup of Elijah are presented, and new insights to their Christological significance are provided.
Those attending the “Christ in the Passover” program at Sunrise Bible Fellowship on March 1 will also have an opportunity to examine some of the aforementioned literature and materials. The program is open to the general public and Aaron Abramson will be available to answer questions those attending might have.
For more information, call Sunrise Bible Fellowship at 530-527-6818 or e-mail Pastor Pat Hurton at
Passing the mantle at Harvest Christian Church

CORNING - Corning's longtime Senior Pastor Rob Kee is passing the mantle of his commission to Harvest Christian Center to local resident the Rev. Mike Sharp.
Sharp and his wife Stephanie have been under the mentorship of Kee for 10 years. During this time they have proven themselves to be faithful leaders to this congregation, according to Kee.
They have both gone through the Ministerial Internship Program, are both licensed ministers with the Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn., and Sharp has his associate's of theology degree as well. Sharp¹s first official service as senior pastor will be March 2.
The current leadership team and ministering membership will stay intact and are in full support of this transition, according to Kee. Kee and his wife Belinda feel honored to be able to entrust their precious congregation to such a competent staff of leaders and are confident that God is making these changes to further the work of spreading the Gospel in Corning and beyond.
For more information, call the Harvest Christian Center office at 824-2091.
Pictured: The Rev. Robert D. Kee passes the mantle of the office of senior pastor to his successor Rev. Michael Sharp, as the current leadership team look on in full support of this transition in excited anticipation of what lies ahead. Pictured from left to right are: Lee and the Rev. Pat Hunn, Executive Pastor Nick and the Rev. Rachel Alexander, the Rev. Robert D. and the Rev. Belinda Kee, former senior pastors; the Rev. Michael and the Rev. Stephanie Sharp, succeeding senior pastors; worship Pastor Robert and the Rev. Lorinda Kee; the Rev. Steve and children¹s ministry Pastor Donna Ebell.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Signs of Life

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Friday, February 15, 2008
Church Bulletins
- Seventh Day Slumber Finally Awake Tour at Bethel on Feb. 16
- RED BLUFF - The Christian Peace Officers Of Tehama County present the Seventh Day Slumber Finally Awake Tour with special guests Manic Drive, Since October and Sharif Iman at 6 p.m. on Feb. 16, at the Bethel Assembly of God Church, 625 Luther Road.
Tickets are $10 and are available at Bibles Books and More, 2244 Hilltop Drive, Redding, and Sky River Music, 613 Main St., Red Bluff. - CORNING A community seminar featuring Marriage on the Rock, God's design for a Rock Solid Marriage, a DVD teaching by Jim and Karen Evans, facilitated by Pastor J.R. and Linda Gonzales has been scheduled at New Life Assembly, 660 Solano St. On Saturday the event will start at 9 a.m. with lunch and supper served. Each event will feature open discussion.
The cost is $25 per couple or $12.50 per person, which includes three meals and finger foods.
Giveaways including a weekend in Tahoe.
Information is available by calling 824-3426 or 527-4844. - RED BLUFF ‹ Sunrise Bible Fellowship is hosting a benefit concert at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday to raise money for their upcoming mission trip to India.
The Sounds of Shasta quartet, the choir from Shasta Bible College and Strings of Glory, a bluegrass band from the greater Redding area will perform at the church.
Admission is by donation. All proceeds go to the missions team from Sunrise, which is leaving for India March 31.
Sunrise Bible Fellowship is located at 956 Jackson St., at the corner of Cedar and Jackson. More information is available at 527-6818 - RED BLUFF - St. Peter¹s Episcopal Church offers worship services during Lent:
- Every Wednesday in February (Feb. 6 27)-‹ Evening prayer service at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary.
- Every Thursday Morning Morning Prayer Service at 8 a.m. in the Sanctuary.
- Sundays during Lent (Feb. 10 March 9)-‹ TaizĂ© Worship Service at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary
St. Peter's is located at 510 Jefferson St. on the corner of Jefferson and Elm streets in Red Bluff.
Information is available by contacting 527-5205 or
Seminar at New Life Assembly
Sunrise Bible Fellowship hosts benefit concert for mission trip
St. Peter's announces Lent services
First Christian hosts regional meeting
Members and friends are invited. A reception will follow the meeting. The region consists of churches in the Wheatland, Paradise, Chico, Corning, Redding and Colusa areas.
Art Moniz will take over the Bible study, as teacher, every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. The Sunday worship service is at 11 a.m.
Our monthly "Pot Luck" and board meeting, which is normally on the second Sunday of the month, will be moved to Feb. 17 due to the regional meeting. There will be "praise and prayer" every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 824-5739.
Church news wanted
To publicize an upcoming church event on the Sheep Pen, e-mail information to
Also, include a contact name and telephone number.
To ensure that the event gets published in a timely manner, submit it at least two weeks prior to the event.
Southern Baptist Church celebrates first anniversary
Union Southern Baptist Church started one year ago within a small business on Union Street and now meets at the Red Bluff High School cafeteria, 1260 Union Road.
USBC is partnering with the California Southern Baptist Convention and the North American Mission Board to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission of ministry and evangelism to reach every man, woman, boy and girl in the community of Red Bluff and beyond.
USBC is sponsored by Antelope Home Fellowship of Red Bluff and is a cooperating member of the Shasta Baptist Association.
Pastor/Church Planter Robert Wheatley leads USBC and invites anyone looking for a church home that is biblically-based and Bible-driven with expository preaching to consider USBC.
Information is available by contacting Pastor Wheatley at 209-0695.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Signs of Life

Signs of Life

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Signs of Life

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Signs of Life
'fruits of the spirit' over 'religious nuts!'
Contributed by Jim White
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Friday, February 08, 2008
Seventh Day Slumber Finally Awake Tour at Bethel on Feb. 16

RED BLUFF — The Christian Peace Officers Of Tehama County present the Seventh Day Slumber Finally Awake Tour with special guests Manic Drive, Since October and Sharif Iman at 6 p.m. on Feb. 16, at the Bethel Assembly of God Church, 625 Luther Road.
Tickets are $10 and are available at Bibles Books and More, 2244 Hilltop Drive, Redding, and Sky River Music, 613 Main St., Red Bluff.
Three-day revival services in Corning
The revival services will be held 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday, 6 p.m. on Monday and 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
Pastors Claud and Suee Duggy invite the public to attend.
Information is available by calling the church at 824-5776.
First Southern Baptist Church hosts singalong with Friend in Faith
Anyone who wants to sing or play should call Margaret Turner at 242-9131.
The public is welcome to attend a evening of good music and praise at the church at 585 Kimball Road. There will fellowship and finger food following the concert.
First Christian hosts regional meeting
Members and friends are invited. A reception will follow the meeting. The region consists of churches in the Wheatland, Paradise, Chico, Corning, Redding and Colusa areas.
Art Moniz will take over the Bible study, as teacher, every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. The Sunday worship service is at 11 a.m.
Our monthly “Pot Luck” and board meeting, which is normally on the second Sunday of the month, will be moved to Feb. 17 due to the regional meeting.
There will be “praise and prayer” every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 824-5739.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Allan Petker Conducts His 13th Annual Choral Workshop & Ecumenical Service

The Presbyterian Church of Red Bluff, 838 Jefferson Street, will be hosting it’s 13th Annual Choral Workshop & Ecumenical Worship Service on February 9th & 10th with the internationally known conductor/composer Allan Petker leading.
Click here for more information
Women In Focus

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Signs of Life
not a calm passage.
Contributed by Jim White
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Dining with the doctor
This is part one of a two-part series that will be presented.
- Learn how to be younger than your physical age.
- Learn the tool for anti-aging.
- Renew your fountain of youth.
- Learn how you too can live younger and longer.
The program will begin with a vegetarian cuisine, following with Dr. Lui¹s presentation and question and answers.
He is a graduate of Loma Linda University and a diplomat of the American boards of family practice, holistic medicine and anti-aging medicine.
There is a fee of $5, and registration is required. Attendees can register by calling 527-5077 or 526-5077.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
During Lent ~ February 10th, 17th, 24th, March 2nd & 9th, 2008
4:00 -5:00 p.m.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
510 Jefferson Street
Corner of Jefferson & Elm Streets
Red Bluff, California
Taizé prayer involves the repetition of simple sung Christian phrases. The experience of singing these phrases nourishes us on a deep non-verbal level. The service consists of quiet chanting, scripture reading, petitions and silence. It allows us to come together to the cross during this Lenten Season to pray, to bring our burdens and the burdens of our world and all that is in our hearts to Jesus Christ.
TaizĂ© is the name of the village in France where Brothers of an Ecumenical community reside and where young adults have been gathering for this type of prayer since the late 1950’s. Many churches and retreat centers throughout the world regularly offer this type of meditative communal prayer.
“Nothing is more conducive to a communion with the living God than a meditative common prayer with, as its high point, singing that never ends and that continues in the silence of one’s heart when one is alone again.”
Brother Roger of Taizé
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Truth 2 U at Bethel Youth Outreach

RED BLUFF - Darlonda N. Benjamin, of Truth 2 U, will be speaking at Bethel Youth Outreach, located 625 Luther Road on Tuesday evening.
Doors open at 6 p.m. for the 7 p.m. service.
She has a unique testimony of what God has brought her through.
You will cry, laugh and be inspired by the anointing that she carries. You will be motivated through her testimony.
Benjamin relates to those who have suffered broken hearts, suicide, absentee fathers, low self esteem, abstinence, broken and blended homes and harden hearts towards God.
She works with various youth and young adults, who have a passion for their generation.
She has a reason to say, no to the things of the world. She is determined to get a hold of her generation with truth and challenges.
Benjamin has a message of hope to share. We encourage you to attend.
Youth Pastor Kendall Eickmeyer invites students from the sixth through 12th grade, as well as college age and adults from Tehama County area to hear this amazing young woman.
Bethel Youth Outreach meets every Tuesday night from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the new building.Bethel Student Ministry is committed to growing students towards a healthy relationship with God.
Friday, February 01, 2008
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Offers Worship Services during Lent

Tuesday, February 5th ~ Shrove Tuesday Dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall
Wednesday, February 6th ~ Ash Wednesday Service at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Every Wednesday in February (Feb 13th – 27th) ~ Evening Prayer Service at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Every Thursday Morning ~ Morning Prayer Service at 8:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Sundays during Lent (Feb 10th – Mar 9th) ~ TaizĂ© Worship Service at 4:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

St. Peter’s is located at 510 Jefferson Street on the corner of Jefferson & Elm Streets in Red Bluff, California
All are Welcome!
For more information contact 527-5205 or
Allan Petker Conducts His 13th Annual Choral Workshop & Ecumenical Service

The Presbyterian Church of Red Bluff, 838 Jefferson Street, will be hosting it’s 13th Annual Choral Workshop & Ecumenical Worship Service on February 9th & 10th with the internationally known conductor/composer Allan Petker leading. All those who have attended the workshops in years past have come to admire Allan not only for his talent, but also for his gracious spirit. Allan is a very fine composer and arranger with over 250 published works. He is the head of Pavane Publishing company and Director of Publications for Fred Bock Publishing Company. He conducts the Consort Chorale, and acapella ensemble from the Bay area, is the Conductor and Artistic Director of the Santa Clarita Master Chorale, and directs the College and Community Choir at Marymount College.
He has served as the director of the Bakersfield Symphony Singers and is a past president of the National Association of Church Musicians. In England, Allan has been the American guest conductor/composer for the Cathedral Choir Tour and the guest conductor for the National Association of Choirs. He also serves as Dean for two long-running Church Music Conferences at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Along with all this Allan is also the Minister of Music at the San Pedro Presbyterian Church.
As a composer, Allan’s commissioned “Speak of Peace,” premiered at the American Choral Directors Associations 25th National Convention. His work “Canticle of St. Augustine,” has been recorded by the London National Philharmonic.

The workshop begins Saturdaym, February 9th with registration at 8:30 a.m. and lasts until 4:00 p.m. The fee for the workshop is $40.00 which includes lunch and music. The workshop concludes on Sunday morning, February 10th , with an Ecumenical Worship Service at 11:00 a.m. to which the general public is invited. This service is led by the pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Red Bluff, St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, and the First Methodist Church.
The workshop singers learn 4 anthems ranging from classical to jazz with local musicians such as John Gonsalves, Chris Uchibori, and Jake Hickock joining us to enhance the music. Allan has told us that this workshop with the Ecumenical service is very unique in his experience and tells many people about it in his travels.
You do not have to sing in a choir to attend this workshop. This is an opportunity for those who like to sing to come join about 55 other singers to learn vocal technique, make new friends, and have fun. Hope to see you there!
Rev. Martin returns to First Christian
There is also a Bible Study at 10 a.m.. The “Praise and Prayer” meeting is every Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m.
Signs of Life

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Signs of Life
Contributed by Jim White
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Marriage on the ROCK seminar
660 Solano St., Corning New Life Assembly.
For more information, call 824-3426 or 527-4844.
Seventh Day Slumber concert
The concert will be held on Feb. 16th at Bethel Church, 625 Luther Rd.
Ticket are $10 and can be purchased at "Sky River Music" on Main St. or "Bibles Books & More" in Redding.
Women In Focus
Please join us for refreshments, games, skits, worship and a "Chic Chat" panel of ladies talking about their daily time with God and His word.
All ladies are invited.
Come and bring a friend to Bethel Assembly of God church, 625 Luther Rd., 7 p.m.
First time visitors are free, others are $5.
Childcare is provided for children aged five and under.
For more information, contact Pam at 530.527.0445
Friday, January 25, 2008
LaMalfa to speak at Harvest Christian Center
The public is invited and will enjoy this special time of encouragement.
‘Join us on the Journey’ Sunday
There will be a Bible study at 10 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m.
On Wednesday, there will be a praise and prayer at 6:30 p.m.
There will be a potluck on the second Sunday of the month, right after church.
Walk Thru the Old Testament
As Christians, we know what the answer should be to the question, What's your favorite book? But the dust on the bindings of our Bibles betrays us. Our favorite books are the ones we’ve read cover to cover three times. We have intimate knowledge of the characters, and we get our thrills anticipating the plot twists.
Most of us know the Old Testament as scattered kids’ fantasies about giants and a roan-swallowing fish, a talking snake and a staff that can part a sea. We’ve jumbled the plot line and lost the build-up, the tension. We’ve robbed the climax of its power.
The appearance of Christ as the man, Jesus, was not the beginning of the story. It was the greatest solution to the greatest problem. If we don’t know the history before Christ, we can’t really grasp what He came to save.
Walk Thru The Bible Ministries understands this. The organization has developed many types of seminars and media to teach and preach the gospel. On Jan. 27 at OEFC, they will be employing their oldest of traditions, the Old Testament seminar.
Dan Grocott, Pastor of Family Ministries, recently spoke about this seminar. “This is an organization whose goal is to teach me Bible as an overview, so that any age can grasp the characters, themes, and the big picture of how the whole Bible fits together, instead of scattered stories.”
How can all this be done in just one day? “They present it in such an exciting way, the stories come alive. They give you enough detail that the whole story makes sense, and they give it to you in a humorous,entertaining way that makes it stick.”
What makes Grocott so sure of all this? “When I was youth pastor here in the mid-nineties, they did the Old Testament seminar here. It went so well we had them back to do the New Testament. The church was packed. Even now I can think of certain books of the Bible and remember the themes as Walk Thru The Bible presented them.”
How does this fit in to Family Ministries? “I hope families gain a greater understanding of the Old Testament as one continuous story that leads to Christ, that they would gain a passion for the Word of God.”
• The first interactive session will be presented during both worship
services at no cost.
• Sign up in advance to attend the four afternoon sessions, beginning
at 1 p.m.
• Cost is $17 per person (includes one book).
• Or, pay $50 for family of three or more (includes three books).
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Signs of Life

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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sanctity of Life
He said his actions were to "reaffirm the value of human life and renew our dedication to ensuring that every American has access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Many local churches and several organizations will be celebrating Life Sunday and the following week. Three thousand crosses will be erected along I-5 representing the approximate number of abortions per day in the United States. Other activities that occur in our area on a continuing basis are volunteers helping at the CareNet and Life Light pregnancy help centers and programs to help the very young and the elderly.
All citizens were encouraged by the President to "rededicate ourselves to compassionate service, and to reaffirm our commitment to respecting the life and dignity of every human being."
Sanctity of Life Week Crosses
Contact: Steve Fitch 530-347-0071 (email: svfitches @
Details: Again this year we will be installing 3000 crosses along Interstate 5 south of Red Bluff for National Sanctity of Life week to remind over a million that pass by what we are doing each day with abortion in this country.
Area churches and their youth have been a key to the success of this project in the past. We would appreciate it if you could help us get the word out of the project that will be on January 19th at 10am.
To get to the assembly point from Red Bluff--Go south on Main Street approximately 2.8 miles past the Wall Mart shopping center to Manor Lane--Turn right on Manor Lane and go to the end of the road at I-5. We will have refreshments and potty at the site.
Steve Fitch
Don't forget the Blood drive
Details: On Saturday, Jan. 19, the Red Bluff Seventh Day Adventist Church will host a blood drive from 1 to 2 p.m. in the church parking lot, 720 Jackson St.
Blood donations are used to treat burn victims, transplant and surgery patients, accident victims, patients with leukemia and more.
A donor must be in generally good health, free from cold symptoms of r at least 48 hours, be at least 17 and weigh at least 110 pounds. There is no upper age limit. Prospective donors must bring photo identification. All donors should eat and drink before donating.
Refreshments and a token of appreciation will be given to all participants.
Information is available by calling 527-5077.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Gospel Concert planned for Friday
Everyone is welcome to an evening of good old gospel music at 585 Kimball Road. There will be fellowship and finger food after the concert.
Information is available at 529-5083 or
Jan 18, 2008
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Heart to Heart
For more information, call 527-0445.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Leroy Blankenship to be at Abundant Life Fellowship

Leroy Blankenship will be at Abundant Life Fellowship for both the 11 a.m. service and 6 p.m. service on Sunday and on Tuesday evening at the 7 p.m. service (weather permitting).
Rev Blankenship is an accomplished musician, playing a 12-string guitar and piano, and is also a composer. His songs range from classic to country, and his music is entertaining to children as well as adults.
The Rev. Blankenship has performed at the Grand Ole Opry, the North American Christian Convention and others. He was lead singer for the Christian Troubadours Quartet for three years. His songs have been recorded by top recording artists.
He has two children’s books published by the Nelson Publishing Company of Nashville, Papa Oblong and Somebody Bigger Than You and I which can be found in Christian Book stores across the nation.
Abundant Life Fellowship is located at 21080 Luther Road in Red Bluff.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Sanctity of Life Week Crosses
Area churches and their youth have been a key to the success of this project in the past. We would appreciate it if you could help us get the word out of the project that will be on January 19th at 10am.
To get to the assembly point from Red Bluff--Go south on Main Street approximately 2.8 miles past the Wall Mart shopping center to Manor Lane--Turn right on Manor Lane and go to the end of the road at I-5.
We will have refreshments and potty at the site.
Contact Steve Fitch 530-347-0071 or e-mail for more information.