CORNING — New Faith Baptist Church will celebrate 60 years on Sunday at 565 1st St.
The celebration will begin at 9:30 a.m. with a continental breakfast.
At 10:30 a.m. will be the main service. Jim Murcray will be the guest speaker.
A barbecue lunch will be held at noon .
Saturday, September 30, 2006
The Lord is my Shepherd
When this statement is made by a man or a woman, it immediately implies a profound yet practical working relationship between a human being and his Maker.
It links a lump of common clay to divine destiny—it means a mere mortal becomes the cherished object of divine diligence.
This thought alone should stir my spirit, quicken my own sense of awareness, and lend enormous dignity to myself as an individual. To think that God in Christ is deeply concerned about me as a particular person immediately gives great purpose and enormous meaning to my short sojourn upon this planet.
And the greater, the wider, the more majestic my concept is of the Christ—the more vital will be my relationship to Him. Obviously, David, in this Psalm, is speaking not as the shepherd, though he was one, but as a sheep; one of the flock. He spoke with a strong sense of pride and devotion and admiration. It was as though he literally boasted aloud, “Look at who my shepherd is—my owner—my manager!” The Lord is!
Excerpt from “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23” by W. Phillip Keller
It links a lump of common clay to divine destiny—it means a mere mortal becomes the cherished object of divine diligence.
This thought alone should stir my spirit, quicken my own sense of awareness, and lend enormous dignity to myself as an individual. To think that God in Christ is deeply concerned about me as a particular person immediately gives great purpose and enormous meaning to my short sojourn upon this planet.
And the greater, the wider, the more majestic my concept is of the Christ—the more vital will be my relationship to Him. Obviously, David, in this Psalm, is speaking not as the shepherd, though he was one, but as a sheep; one of the flock. He spoke with a strong sense of pride and devotion and admiration. It was as though he literally boasted aloud, “Look at who my shepherd is—my owner—my manager!” The Lord is!
Excerpt from “A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23” by W. Phillip Keller
First Southern Baptist celebrates 50 years

The First Southern Baptist Church of Red Bluff celebrated their 50th anniversary on Sept. 10.
Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa was at the celebration to present pastor Tom Turner with a certificate of congratulations on 50 years of witnessing in the community. Also bringing greetings from the City of Red Bluff was Wayne Brown, mayor pro-tem.
The church held its first meeting in the Woman’s Club House April 1956, and closed the charter on Sept. 6 with 33 members. They have been meeting at 585 Kimball Road, since April 1960.
The 11 a.m. service
with 200 in attendance was followed by a potluck luncheon and a 2 p.m. service of singing. Special music was presented by Mike and Sheila (Holler) Heiber, and their son Jon, from Bakersfield. The Friends in Faith quartet from the local church also performed.
Turner recognized all charter members present; former pastors, out of town guests and those that joined by decades. A video presentation was shown of the past 50 years. A message was given by former pastor, and now director of missions in Sierra Butte association, Lyle Paul. A closing prayer was said by former pastor John Bohrer of Red Bluff.
Several projects were completed for this anniversary celebration. One was the printing of a cookbook which is available at 529-4618, or at 527-7389 for $10 each.
Regular services are held at 11 a.m. each Sunday. Youth programs for children ages kindergarten to 12th grade are at 6 p.m. and Bible Study is at 7 p.m on Wednesday.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Signs of life
Message boards found outside Tehama County churches.
If you come across one that you would like to add to the list,
please send me an e-mail at

If you come across one that you would like to add to the list,
please send me an e-mail at

Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Care program offers help with bills
The Salvation Army is conducting a campaign to sign Tehama County residents up for the PG&E CARE program. The CARE program gives qualified households a 20 percent reduction in their PG&E bill each month.
Households of one or two people with an annual income of $28,600; households of three people with an annual income of $33,600; or households of four people with an annual income of $40,500 are applicable for this program.
All applicants are subject to approval by PG&E before the discount will be applied to their bill.
Sign-up tables will be from 9 a.m. until noon on Sept. 26, and Oct. 3 at the Red Bluff Salvation Army Thrift Store, 493 Antelope Blvd.; and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during September and October at the Red Bluff Salvation Army Corps, 940 Walnut St.
Volunteers will provide assistance in completing the CARE application.
Applicants are asked to bring a picture I.D. and a recent PG&E bill.
Households of one or two people with an annual income of $28,600; households of three people with an annual income of $33,600; or households of four people with an annual income of $40,500 are applicable for this program.
All applicants are subject to approval by PG&E before the discount will be applied to their bill.
Sign-up tables will be from 9 a.m. until noon on Sept. 26, and Oct. 3 at the Red Bluff Salvation Army Thrift Store, 493 Antelope Blvd.; and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during September and October at the Red Bluff Salvation Army Corps, 940 Walnut St.
Volunteers will provide assistance in completing the CARE application.
Applicants are asked to bring a picture I.D. and a recent PG&E bill.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Connect the Thots #3
Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues. For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1.wife of Clephas, sister of Lazarus, mother of Jesus
2.fig leaves, a curse, dust
3.King Ahasuerus’s scepter, a calf-shaped idol, the streets of the new Jerusalem
4.Jacob’s service for Rachel, loaves to feed four thousand, Naaman at the Jordan
5.Diana, Baalim, Dagon
6.Chilion and Orpha, Ananias and Sapphira, Issac and Rebekah
7.Haman, Judas Iscariot, Pharaoh’s chief baker
8.Babel, Siloam, Jerusalem
9.the Holy Spirit, the four horsemen of Revelation, Daniel’s book
10.grass, a fig tree, a man’s hand
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. objects in Jesus’ parables 2. twelve 3. men named Simon 4. names of satan 5. judges of Israel 6. characters in the book of Esther 7. sites of earthquakes 8. authors of Proverbs 9. cousins 10. metalworkers
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot =Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1.wife of Clephas, sister of Lazarus, mother of Jesus
2.fig leaves, a curse, dust
3.King Ahasuerus’s scepter, a calf-shaped idol, the streets of the new Jerusalem
4.Jacob’s service for Rachel, loaves to feed four thousand, Naaman at the Jordan
5.Diana, Baalim, Dagon
6.Chilion and Orpha, Ananias and Sapphira, Issac and Rebekah
7.Haman, Judas Iscariot, Pharaoh’s chief baker
8.Babel, Siloam, Jerusalem
9.the Holy Spirit, the four horsemen of Revelation, Daniel’s book
10.grass, a fig tree, a man’s hand
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. objects in Jesus’ parables 2. twelve 3. men named Simon 4. names of satan 5. judges of Israel 6. characters in the book of Esther 7. sites of earthquakes 8. authors of Proverbs 9. cousins 10. metalworkers
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Friday, September 22, 2006
Sunday School begins in Corning
The First Christian Church of Corning Sunday School began with a study of Old Testament prophets, God’s Super Heroes. They meet at. 10 a.m. on Sunday at 1421 Marin St.
The Christian Women’s Fellowship of the church also began a new year.
They will meet again on Oct. 12. Plans are being made for the annual bazaar and bake sale. Two mission projects are in the works. Toiletry items are being gathered for the Good News Rescue Mission in Red Bluff.
Bibles and Christian books (new or good used) are being collected for a prison ministry out of Sacramento. Information to donate books is available at 824-6417.
Wednesday evening prayer and praise continues, but at a new time of 6:30 p.m. There is a hymn sing before entering into the throne room of God.
The next two weeks Rev. Gary Weatherly will fill the pulpit.
The Christian Women’s Fellowship of the church also began a new year.
They will meet again on Oct. 12. Plans are being made for the annual bazaar and bake sale. Two mission projects are in the works. Toiletry items are being gathered for the Good News Rescue Mission in Red Bluff.
Bibles and Christian books (new or good used) are being collected for a prison ministry out of Sacramento. Information to donate books is available at 824-6417.
Wednesday evening prayer and praise continues, but at a new time of 6:30 p.m. There is a hymn sing before entering into the throne room of God.
The next two weeks Rev. Gary Weatherly will fill the pulpit.
Episcopalians to celebrate the harvest
ORLAND — The Episcopal Cluster, North Valley Episcopal Ministry, will hold a joint service at 10 a.m. on Sunday at Good Shepherd Church, 32 East Walker St.
Regional missioner Rev. Maryly Adair will lead the service. Child care will be provided.
Members from fellow congregations of St. Andrew’s, Corning; Holy Trinity, Willows; and St. Peter’s, Red Bluff will assist in the service and join in attendance.
The service will be celebrated for two reasons: Sukkoth, which is a harvest festival from Old Testament tradition and the 50th anniversary of Good Shepherd.
The service will be followed by a potluck brunch.
St. Peter’s will hold an 8 a.m. morning prayer service in Red Bluff, in addition to the above.
Information is available from Kent Bonney at 865-4187, Kristin Iverson at 527-5205. The public is welcome to attend.
Regional missioner Rev. Maryly Adair will lead the service. Child care will be provided.
Members from fellow congregations of St. Andrew’s, Corning; Holy Trinity, Willows; and St. Peter’s, Red Bluff will assist in the service and join in attendance.
The service will be celebrated for two reasons: Sukkoth, which is a harvest festival from Old Testament tradition and the 50th anniversary of Good Shepherd.
The service will be followed by a potluck brunch.
St. Peter’s will hold an 8 a.m. morning prayer service in Red Bluff, in addition to the above.
Information is available from Kent Bonney at 865-4187, Kristin Iverson at 527-5205. The public is welcome to attend.
Signs of life
Message boards found outside Tehama County churches.
If you come across one that you would like to add to the list, please send me an e-mail at

If you come across one that you would like to add to the list, please send me an e-mail at

Sunday, September 17, 2006
Connect the Thots
Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues.
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1. a net, a pearl, a mustard seed
2. Jesus’ disciples, tribes of Israel, gates on the new Jerusalem.
3. an apostle, a tanner, a sorcerer
4. the father of lies, the accuser of the brethren, Beelzebub
5. Samson, Deborah, Ehud
6. Mordecai, Queen Vashti, Haman
7. the Philippian jail, Jesus’ tomb, Mt. Sinai
8. King Solomon, Agur the son of Jakeh, King Lemuel
9. Saul and Abner, Mordecai and Esther, Mary and Elizabeth
10.Demetrius, Huram-Abi, Tubal-Cain
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. olives 2. seventy 3. people raised from the dead 4. strong winds 5. slaves 6. seven 7. relatives of Moses 8. army commanders 9. characters in the book of Nehemiah 10. the tongue
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
Thot = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks’ quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1. a net, a pearl, a mustard seed
2. Jesus’ disciples, tribes of Israel, gates on the new Jerusalem.
3. an apostle, a tanner, a sorcerer
4. the father of lies, the accuser of the brethren, Beelzebub
5. Samson, Deborah, Ehud
6. Mordecai, Queen Vashti, Haman
7. the Philippian jail, Jesus’ tomb, Mt. Sinai
8. King Solomon, Agur the son of Jakeh, King Lemuel
9. Saul and Abner, Mordecai and Esther, Mary and Elizabeth
10.Demetrius, Huram-Abi, Tubal-Cain
Answers to last week’s quiz:
1. olives 2. seventy 3. people raised from the dead 4. strong winds 5. slaves 6. seven 7. relatives of Moses 8. army commanders 9. characters in the book of Nehemiah 10. the tongue
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Worship Concert at River Park

A free multi-denominational worship concert will be held at the Red Bluff River Park from 3-8 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 17.
The Nite Lite Band will headline the evening and four additional worship bands will join them.
Guests are encouraged to bring a picnic, blanket and lawn chairs.
More information is available at First Baptist Church at 527-4361.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Tehama County remembers 9-11!

9-11 was marked by Tehama County residents in a 7 a.m. remembrance service in front of the county courthouse.
The young Marine color guard was on hand to place a floral wreath at the base of the courthouse lawn flagpole, as well as raising of the flag to half staff.
The service included prayer, the singing of the national anthem, and a bagpipper playing Amazing Grace.
The photos were taken by Wayne Owensby.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Connect the Thots
Connect the Thots is all about determining the common thread that binds three seemingly unrelated clues.
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1. a mount, groves, & Noah’s dove
2. Daniel’s “weeks”, the “other” disciples, & forgiveness times seven.
3. The Shunammite’s son, Eutychus, & Lazarus
4. Pentecost, Jesus walks on water, & Job’s children
5. Joseph, the ancient Israelites, & Onesimus
6. churches of Revelation, the first deacons, & clean animals on the ark
7. Aaron, Gershom, & Miriam
8. Naaman, Joab, & Barak
9. Tobiah, Ezra, & King Artaxerxes
10. a fire, an unruly evil, & a world of iniquity
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
For example, what one idea ties together:
Baby in a manger, Death on a cross, & King of Kings
'Thot' = Jesus.
Easy enough?
Give this weeks quiz a try. We will post the answers next week along with a new quiz.
1. a mount, groves, & Noah’s dove
2. Daniel’s “weeks”, the “other” disciples, & forgiveness times seven.
3. The Shunammite’s son, Eutychus, & Lazarus
4. Pentecost, Jesus walks on water, & Job’s children
5. Joseph, the ancient Israelites, & Onesimus
6. churches of Revelation, the first deacons, & clean animals on the ark
7. Aaron, Gershom, & Miriam
8. Naaman, Joab, & Barak
9. Tobiah, Ezra, & King Artaxerxes
10. a fire, an unruly evil, & a world of iniquity
(From Bible Trivia Challenge: Connect the Thots, published by Barbour Publishing, inc. Used by permission.)
Friday, September 08, 2006
Johnson to speak at Abundant Life on Sunday

Rev. Doris Johnson will be at Abundant Life Fellowship at 11 a.m. on
Sunday at 21080 Luther Road.
She is the president of the Bernhard Johnson Ministries in the United
States. She and her late husband, Bernhard, continued the ministry that
began over 66 years ago in Brazil by Bernhard’s father.
The founders worked over 40 years building churches and helping the
needy in Varginha, Brazil. There is now a plaza, a neighborhood, a
cancer hospital and a preschool that bear their names.
Johnson travels both in the United States and Brazil ministering at
mission conventions and women’s conferences. She also assists in
coordinating medical clinics with teams from HealthCare Ministries,
which provide medical, dental and spiritual care to the needy in
She has recently returned from a 30-day trip through eight states
ministering in churches.
Pictured is Doris Johnson
LaMalfa to attend 50th anniversary celebration

RED BLUFF - The First Southern Baptist Church is celebrating its 50th anniversary at 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10, at the church's auditorium on 585 Kimball Road.
State Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa will present a certificate the
congregation commemorating their 50th anniversary.
The event will be directed by Pastor Tom Turner, and a potluck will be
held at 12:30 p.m. before the services. The celebration will include
music, recognitions, displays, photos, speakers, and a slide show
commemorating people and events through the years. Lyle Paul, who is
the director of missions in the Tehama-Butte Association, will be among
the speakers at the event.
The congregation held its first meeting on April 1, 1956, at Women’s
Clubhouse. They later met at a dwelling on South Jackson Street.
The church’s goals for the future include building a new church and
reaching out to more young people.
The public has been invited to help the First Southern Baptist Church
celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Pictured are Pastor Tom Turner and Associate Pastor Robert Wheatley.
Praise and worship band to play at Salvation Army Chapel
The Salvation Army will host The Fishermen, a live praise and worship band, at 11 a.m. on Sunday at 940 Walnut St, Red Bluff.
The Fishermen, will be arriving from Lodi for a one-day appearance. The group plays all over the Northern California area.
They have ministered in the Lodi area for Majors Frank and Susan Severs when they were the commanding officers of the Lodi Corps of The Salvation Army.
Recently the Severs have transferred from Lodi and assumed the position of commanding officers for the Red Bluff Corps of The Salvation Army. All are invited to attend this event.
The Red Bluff Corps is seeking local musicians, soloists, and praise and worship groups who might be interested in providing live praise and worship services throughout the year.
Information is available from Frank Severs or Rich White at 527-8530.
The Fishermen, will be arriving from Lodi for a one-day appearance. The group plays all over the Northern California area.
They have ministered in the Lodi area for Majors Frank and Susan Severs when they were the commanding officers of the Lodi Corps of The Salvation Army.
Recently the Severs have transferred from Lodi and assumed the position of commanding officers for the Red Bluff Corps of The Salvation Army. All are invited to attend this event.
The Red Bluff Corps is seeking local musicians, soloists, and praise and worship groups who might be interested in providing live praise and worship services throughout the year.
Information is available from Frank Severs or Rich White at 527-8530.
Mission Fundraiser
Zion Christian Ministries will hold a car wash from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Without Boarders Restaurant Parking Lot on Antelope Boulevard.
Funds raised from this car wash will help offset the cost of a mission trip to Kamchatka, Russia. A team of six, including Pastor Joshua John McKim, will travel for 16 days.
Information is available at 529-1836.
Funds raised from this car wash will help offset the cost of a mission trip to Kamchatka, Russia. A team of six, including Pastor Joshua John McKim, will travel for 16 days.
Information is available at 529-1836.
New group for walkers forming
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church member Marvin Woodstrup is organizing downtown Red Bluff area walks for all who would like to avail themselves of physical and perhaps, spiritual exercise.
Walkers will meet on Saturdays between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m., beginning this Saturday, at St. Peter’s Parish Hall, corner of Jefferson and Elm streets, Red Bluff.
Walks will last between 30 minutes and an hour and will take in local sights. After the walks, coffee and goodies will be available at the Parish Hall.
Information is available from Marv at 527-7336.
Walkers will meet on Saturdays between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m., beginning this Saturday, at St. Peter’s Parish Hall, corner of Jefferson and Elm streets, Red Bluff.
Walks will last between 30 minutes and an hour and will take in local sights. After the walks, coffee and goodies will be available at the Parish Hall.
Information is available from Marv at 527-7336.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Gotcha Covered
Have you ever been hanging out with someone and noticed that their shortcomings were showing? They may have said something ‘out of character’, used the wrong fork, or committed any number of indiscretions. How did you react? It may even have been a thoughtless remark or action directed towards you. What was your response?
The 12th chapter of Proverbs contains two verses that explain the proper way to handle those situations. Proverbs 12:16 says, “A fool’s vexation is known at once, but a prudent man conceals dishonor”. It is the ministry of the prudent to cover. Now, I’m not talking about bank robbery, or terrorism here--just bad social etiquette or rudeness. Prudence is not only a quality for the moment, but later on also when we find ourselves among those who weren’t present when the incident took place. At that point we get the opportunity to exercise the prudence described in Proverbs 12:23, “A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly”. Even if someone else brings it up, it is our responsibility to down play the matter and end the discussion.
Prudent is defined as 'subtle, shrewd or sensible. It can also mean sly or crafty.' Covering over another person’s faux pas is an act of mercy. When we use shrewdness or craftiness to cover the mistakes of another person, then we are ministering mercy to someone who, right at that moment needs mercy more than any other commodity. Jesus, looking down the corridors of time remarked that the sons of this age were more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light, (Luke 16).
The New Testament steps it up a notch and defines the quality that covers as ‘love’. 1 Peter 4:8 says, “…love covers a multitude of sins”. I Corinthians 13:7, speaking about love says it, “Covers all things…” That word translated covers means ‘like a roof’. ‘Put a lid on it’. When we put a lid on a matter, we protect the other person’s value. A facial expression that shows annoyance at another’s ignorance or shortcomings, or repeating the incident later clearly lowers the value of that person in the eyes of everyone present. Covering others is also evangelical. The bible tells us that it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance, (Romans 2:4). When an unbeliever experiences the mercy and kindness from us at not having his blunder exposed, he will understand the kindness of the Lord and an opportunity is then opened to him to repent.
I heard a beautiful illustration of this recently at a gathering of woman. The speaker described a vision she had where she saw a large group of ladies in a circle. Each lady was wearing a full skirt that she held out at the sides so that it covered the skirt of the person next to her. If one of the ladies had a stain on her skirt, it would never show because the skirt of the one next to her covered it over.
Why is it so important that we cover for one another? Proverbs 17:9 states, “He who covers a transgression seeks love.” As stated before, the expression of love covering over another person’s shortcomings is an act of mercy. We are all in need of mercy. The best way to get mercy, according to Jesus in Luke 6:36, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” He goes on to say that the way we act is the way we will be treated. If you have found yourself coming up a bit short in the mercy area, don’t despair. Another way to get mercy is to go to the “Throne of Grace and receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” Hebrews 4:16. Begin to look for ways to give mercy to others in even the tiniest ways by covering their errors. The Holy Spirit is faithful. If you ask Him, He will begin the process changing your heart and responses to life’s irritations and unfairness. While stretching out your skirt over someone else’s stain…don‘t be surprised…when you look down and see someone else's skirt stretched out over your stain.
Senia Owensby
The 12th chapter of Proverbs contains two verses that explain the proper way to handle those situations. Proverbs 12:16 says, “A fool’s vexation is known at once, but a prudent man conceals dishonor”. It is the ministry of the prudent to cover. Now, I’m not talking about bank robbery, or terrorism here--just bad social etiquette or rudeness. Prudence is not only a quality for the moment, but later on also when we find ourselves among those who weren’t present when the incident took place. At that point we get the opportunity to exercise the prudence described in Proverbs 12:23, “A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly”. Even if someone else brings it up, it is our responsibility to down play the matter and end the discussion.
Prudent is defined as 'subtle, shrewd or sensible. It can also mean sly or crafty.' Covering over another person’s faux pas is an act of mercy. When we use shrewdness or craftiness to cover the mistakes of another person, then we are ministering mercy to someone who, right at that moment needs mercy more than any other commodity. Jesus, looking down the corridors of time remarked that the sons of this age were more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light, (Luke 16).
The New Testament steps it up a notch and defines the quality that covers as ‘love’. 1 Peter 4:8 says, “…love covers a multitude of sins”. I Corinthians 13:7, speaking about love says it, “Covers all things…” That word translated covers means ‘like a roof’. ‘Put a lid on it’. When we put a lid on a matter, we protect the other person’s value. A facial expression that shows annoyance at another’s ignorance or shortcomings, or repeating the incident later clearly lowers the value of that person in the eyes of everyone present. Covering others is also evangelical. The bible tells us that it is God’s kindness that leads us to repentance, (Romans 2:4). When an unbeliever experiences the mercy and kindness from us at not having his blunder exposed, he will understand the kindness of the Lord and an opportunity is then opened to him to repent.
I heard a beautiful illustration of this recently at a gathering of woman. The speaker described a vision she had where she saw a large group of ladies in a circle. Each lady was wearing a full skirt that she held out at the sides so that it covered the skirt of the person next to her. If one of the ladies had a stain on her skirt, it would never show because the skirt of the one next to her covered it over.
Why is it so important that we cover for one another? Proverbs 17:9 states, “He who covers a transgression seeks love.” As stated before, the expression of love covering over another person’s shortcomings is an act of mercy. We are all in need of mercy. The best way to get mercy, according to Jesus in Luke 6:36, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” He goes on to say that the way we act is the way we will be treated. If you have found yourself coming up a bit short in the mercy area, don’t despair. Another way to get mercy is to go to the “Throne of Grace and receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” Hebrews 4:16. Begin to look for ways to give mercy to others in even the tiniest ways by covering their errors. The Holy Spirit is faithful. If you ask Him, He will begin the process changing your heart and responses to life’s irritations and unfairness. While stretching out your skirt over someone else’s stain…don‘t be surprised…when you look down and see someone else's skirt stretched out over your stain.
Senia Owensby
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